Bargain interconnects to tame treble & boost bass?

Here's the system:
Sony DVP-NS755V
Audioquest Alpha Snake
Bryston B60R
Kimber 4TC / 8TC bi-wire
Triangle Heliade ES

Problem: Sound tilted way toward top-end.

I've done about as much as I can in speaker placement and room adjustments, but the system still sounds too bright and too bass-shy. The treble is also a problem when running the television sound (digital cable) through the system, so, while I recognize that the DVD / CD player is not the best, I don't think it is the primary culprit. (I do plan to upgrade the CD player eventually.)

I sort of suspect that the ultimate solution would be either to replace the amp with a tube amp or to replace the speakers. But both are recent purchases, so I would like to see if better interconnects might make a difference.

Are there interconnects for $200 or less (for 1m), new or used, that would help solve my system's problems? I am open to any other suggestions you might have. Thanks.
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I too have read that Triangle speakers can be bright and anything Sony digital has been bright in my experience (including their SCD1) not to mention the Kimber 8TC wire which is pretty good but light in the bass all these things offset the balance. Acoustic Zen wire in general (ICs or speaker wire) is warm and full sounding and a good place to start IMO. Maybe an older set of Mat Ref MKI for under $200 would help....

good luck
Thanks for all the advice. Here are some responses:

--I definitely agree that I should relegate the Sony to DVD duty and buy myself an audiophile CD player, although I was hoping to avoid that. But, hey, when I have a little more time it should be fun to do the research and the listening tests.

--I like the suggestions to experiment, both with amps and with spectrum analyzers. Currently, I don't know anyone whose equipment I might borrow, so it may take me a while to get around to it.

--In the meantime, I see two votes for Acoustic Zen IC's, and one each for Signal Cable, Cardas 300B, Aural Thrills Active Gold, VH Audio Pulsar, and Mat Ref Mk I. Before I posted I also found recommendations for Kimber Hero. Any other cable suggestions or seconds of these recommendations?

When I buy a new CD player, I'll probably want to get a different, probably more neutral IC. If so, I might try replacing the jumpers on my B60R with this treble-taming, bass-boosting cable.
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Listen to Jond and Mapleleafs. Save up and get a used dac on the 'gon for around 300. Cables at this point are like putting perfume on a pig.