DCCA PC stiffness?

Most reviews I've read about these PCs although positive for performance mention their stiffness. The 2006 models are supposedly a bit more flexible. Anyone tried the newest versions?
Why not just ask them to send you one to hear on your system. They sound really nice.

Happy Listening

Yes, the newest versions aren't as stiff as the original versions, but they are still stiffer than other high end pc's that I have used. In other words, if you want a pc that is as flexible as a wet noodle the DCCA's are not what you are looking for.

However, as bigkidz has stated, these are outstanding power cords with a designer-builder (Don Ostrander) who will give you first class service. There aren't many manufacturers who will build a pc to your specifications without a significant upcharge. For example, if you need a 90 degree permanent bend in the pc he will do that for you. If you need the plugs oriented in a specific direction, he will do that for you as well. I think that by doing this some of the "stiffness" issues become non issues.

I would highly recommend these pc's and also would suggest that you contact Don regarding what you are looking for and the specifications that you require. I am quite sure that you will be satisfied with both the product and the customer service.

Best of Luck,


I second everything Bigkidz and Scifi said, only I haven't had the opportunity to try the new 2006 models. I have one Powerwave II and one Reference for now.
I had not tried the earlier stiff DCCA PCs, but have tried the new 2006 REF1. Yes, it is stiff but no more so than many other high-end PCs I've tried. I needed a PC that could bend in a 4" clearance behind the amp and it worked just fine with the new REF1. If you need a *very* flexible PC, you probably need to look elsewhere, but unless you have an extraordinary requirement, the new DCCA PCs are excellent and definitely worth your time. Plus, I agree with Scifi -- talk with Don -- he's a great communicator and will definitely find a way to get you exactly what you're looking for.

Good luck!