Computer Audio Setup

Realy wanting to get a computer setup. Im using a PS audio pwd with bridge into tube amp and merlins vsm speakers. Ive been feeding sonos into the pwd but the sonos limitations are my current issue. I love sonos for my whole house audio but not for high end stereo. I purchased a nas to put all my cds on but feel id rather have a computer based audio system. So how should I proceed? I have an imac thats two floors above my stereo so direct connection is out. Can i stream with higher rez from sites like mog or rhapsody using a computer than my current sonos setup?

You can already do that with the MKI as well. Problem is with the MKI the non I2S inputs are inferior to the I2S, and USB even more so than S/PDIF because it is synchronous.

The MKII implements the lens technology on all inputs and upgrads USB to asynchronous. So on the MKII the non I2S and I2S inputs are much closer. I personally moved from the bridge to AES/EBU a week ago (for different reasons) and the difference is very very small. You can read up on the PS audio site forum about impressions on USB versus I2S.

Getting the MKII upgrade and going USB into the PWD will be your best bang for the buck upgrade. You can insert an offramp 5 into the chain in the future if this turns out to be a material upgrade over USB direct and you're willing to spend the extra $$$.
And for music sever simply use something like JRiver on PC or Pure music on Mac. Plenty bi-directional controller apps running on iDevice available.
Edorr I really apprecitae your input. What I'm really wanting to do is use my pwd to stream from the internet or download HD tracks. So if I use a mac mini I could control the system with my ipad and go directly into the pwd using usb? Could it stream from MOG like this as well? Sorry for all the questions. I'm new to all this.
James, what is puzzling to me is why you would want to use USB when you have a bridge. What you should do is this. Create a directory on your NAS which stores all your music(say flacs). Install PS audio's eLyric or somthing like assetUpNp on a PC on your network. If you use assetUpNp you also need something like media monkey to do tagging and retrieve cover art. You can also use JRiver, which I believe also streams to the PWD bridge using DLNA.

You point your music server / UpNP server to the directory on your NAS. Next you load eLyric on your iPhone. You select the PWD as your media rendered and the UpNp server as your library, and you're in business. ELyric will allow you to stream radio stations from the internet. If you download a track for HD tracks, you simply copy it into your directory on the NAS.

This setup allow you to exactly what you want to do, will be the cheapest and sound the best. Forget USB!!! Not sure about MOG streaming though. YOu can ask on the PS audio site and I'm sure they can answer this question. You would have to do this using the eLyric iPhone application.

Even if the bridge + eLyric does not support MOG, you are still better off streaming flacs to the bridge over your network and connect an el cheapo PC to the PWD USB port separately for MOG streaming.
Edorr, thanks for the suggestions. The reason for usb at this point is my poor understanding of computers. I can't seem to get my NAS to be recognized by itunes for storage. UpNP setup is way over my head at this point. I agree the bridge is what I have intended to do but I can't seem to figure it out. I am in the process of upgrading to the mkII now and will likely have the geek squad come set the system in the future.