High priced power cable what about the romex

I have a question that I tried to post before but for some reason it was flagged by the moderators.

I have nice looking power cable some signal, some MIT, some home made, and they look like they should do a great job, could even run a small town

My question is if you run romex from the fuse box to your high priced outlet, and then plug in your high priced powercable, how will this improve the path from the fuse box to the outlet? And if it doesnt why not just run the same romex to your HiFi.
How does a better grade power cable improve the path from the main grid.
I have heard this again and again "Your system is as good as its weakest link" So isnt the romex one of those weak

I am sure there is a good responce to this and I am not trying to be negitive in regards to high priced power cords but what am I missing?
percieived quality of the sound
So it is all just a perception?
OK now I understand that Romex = ground noise and all those oter gremlins, but if all we need to do is shield the copper stands then why do people pay an exuberant amount of money for shielded copper strands.
I am sorry that I don’t get it but it just seems totally idiotic.
I understand everything is relative hell if I was Trump I would buy those Wilson’s and that $10,000 IC but even if I did I want to know why is it $10,000 what makes it different than say Franks “Signal Cable” Power Cord (Which is what I use)
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Romex is everything the expensive snakeoil power cords are
Uh-huh. And the Olive Garden tastes just like the old country.
So has anyone in the forum actually put connectors on romex cable and listened to it in their system? I would be interested to know their ideas about the sound.