What does everyone think of Zu Cables Wax?

I recently traded my Naim amps for a YBa Passion, and my speakers are Audio Physic Virgos. I need to find speaker cables to replace my Naim cables. I bough some cheapo Belden wire recently, but it doesn't do it for me, so I guess I am beginning to think that there may be something to cables afterall. I have been considering Kimber 8TC, Oval 9, and Anti-cables. I'm somewhat intrigued by Zu- does anyone have any experience with these cables, aprticulalrly the Wax model.

When I owned the Passion, Bruce, I used Sonoran Plateau speaker cables. Though thick, they were amazing. Detailed, open at the top--the whole nine of grandiloquent adjectives. They (Starsound Technologies) have a money back guarantee policy. You cannot beat that with a stick. Now, I'm using Zucable's Ibis speaker cables that are very synergistic with my speakers. Don't you love that Passion, Bruce? peace,warren :)
I own the wax an liked them very much, especially for the price. I have Kubala-Sosna in my system and these are definately better but you can get wax at $250 used verses $2500 used for the Zu Wax. They are clear and have good punch, I think the KS are much more detailed.