power cord too short? what now?

Having spent my hard earned money on power cord for m/l cls. I now move to a new apartment. It appears as though optimum placement for the speakers make the cord too short requiring some sort of extension. Will I lose the benefits of the audiophile cord?


Read "Pabelson's" thread on the "Do you respect others views?". He's not alone with his posted point of view, but always nice to hear from someone objective.

Oh, and refreshing to hear someone convey honesty about themselves, like yourself. You and others just enjoy the hobby, if that's what it is classified as. I wonder if fishermen bicker so much about their gear?
Well having started this I guess I should weigh in.
I have no problem with double blind tests. I have yet to see a true scientific double blind protocol. Yes we subjectivist have degrees in the natural sciences too.

It's my money and I really don't have to prove to anybody that I can hear a difference. If you can't hear don't buy it!

DH Labs Power Plus 2 meter.

I would not mind using a power storage device like richard grey.

From the tenor of your post it appears that some of our 'objectivist' comments may have offended your 'subjectivist' sensitivities. Frankly I'm surprised that a person with your experience would have expected otherwise in this forum.

But upon re-reading, your original post clearly indicated your subjective belief in the differences brought by power cords. You did not ask about the differences between cords. Clearly it was boorish of me, just because I don't believe in the benefits of 'high end' power cords to respond. I should have simply ignored your post.

Lesson learned. I won't do that again.
Newbee - My point is we are hobbyists not scientists. Scientific proof is arrived at by a very rigorous protocol. The notion that someone can or cannot pick something out is the beginning of scientific inquiry not the end. How do we know whether they could pick it out because there is no difference or becuase they are incapable of hearing the difference? Normally you would have a control group where there was a known diffrence to see if the testee was cabale of hearing the difference.
I am a cable skeptic. I beliveve that quality cable is better than zipcord.

Beyond that not only I am skeptical of the benefits of expensive cable,I DOUBT WHETHER THERE SHOULD BE ANY DIFFERENCE. That is to say cables "should do no harm" and nothing else.

If you examine my system post you will see that my cls was purchased used and the PC was a replacement. Whether pc's have a sonic value is an open question for me.

Deciding what sound's good to me is easy. Giving advice to others on how to spend thier hard earn money is a much more difficult question.
Gregadd, Its not hard for me to tell others how to spend their hard earned money. If you follow my posts/threads you will note that I am consistent in giving advise to others regarding spending their hard earned money (as I did your's). "Try it and if you can't hear a difference don't buy it." I'm obviously not a power cord salesman.

For the most part my only reason for posting is to help others in need of information and in avoiding the tar pits of audio. I obviously failed to do either in this thread. :-(