Please help with interconnects

I've never been much of a cable guy, because to be honest IU've never been able to tell a big difference in my system. However, recently I've upgraded my pre-amp/procesor, CDP, and speakers and now have better resolution then ever before so cables may have a bigger impact.

I just bought a Naim CD5i and the first thing I want to do is get a good IC from this unit to my Arcam AVP-700 (run in analog direct mode). I'm currently using a pair of old Tara Labs Space and Time Phase II and Outlaw audio cable from my Pre-processor to Outlaw Model-755 amp.

Eventually I would like to get a good match from CDP to Pre to amp, but this is where I want to start. BTW, I'm running Monster M1.2S speaker wire (bi-wired), so I'll be looking for recommendations here as well.

As I said, I've not been into wires so I know little about them, so I'm hoping to get some help from those of you who do.

Not looking to spend more than $150 a pair. Can I get something decent at this price?

Also, what's the deal with silver? Is it that much better?

Do yourself a favor and check out the factory direct products from Audio Art;especially there IC-3 interconnect.They had ads here on Audiogon but I do not know if they are still active ads.Believe me you will not be disappointed!!
I like the Transparent Cables. I have owned many different types of cables. I have Super bi cables and Reference IC, Reference Digital. Very happy. Yes over priced, butt huge upgrade in detail of music.
Thanks very much to everyone for your suggestions and help. Since I have a Naim CD5i as my source I also emailed them for their recommendations and asked if it would make a difference whether I used a DIN to RCA vice RCA to RCA. This was their resonse:

"The DIN connector features contacts with a smaller surface area than your typical RCA phono connector. As such, it provides better musical performance inasmuch as the impedance of the connector better matches the impedance of the interconnect cable."

I ran across a good deal on a couple of DIN to RCA IC's here on AG (Nordost Blue Heaven and Chord Cobra) so this helped me make a decision. A few of you recommended the Nordost BH and on the Naim forum many recommend the Chord IC's. The seller had both for a fair price so I picked them up. Figure I'll keep the one I like the best and put the other back on AG.

Anyhow this is my first step. This will be the IC from my source to pre-amp and for the time being I'll continue to use my Outlaw IC's from pre to power. I don't know how this mix match of cables is going to work, we'll have to see. If I really like one of these I'll probably buy another set of the same.

Speaker cables will have to come last, but I've just about decided I'm gong to give the Alpha-Core Goertz MI2 a try. I've been reading allot about cables since my original post and these seem to come up time and again. Look to be very similar to Nordost cables?

You guys have been very helpful and I really appreciate you taking the time to help me find the right cables. I'll you know how this first change turns out.
I just got the Audio art ic-1 cables and they are noticeably better than Monster M1000i/950i and the Outlaw PCA cables I have. Superb performance for the price.