Double your pleasure with same cable throughout?

Howdy sports fans,

I’m a bit aprehensive and certainly more than a little confused about recent events and would really appreciate some insights from those who have done a likewise effort…. I'm talking about runing SAME BRAND and/or brand & model IC throughout a system. As to culminate this venture by so doing, will be a fairly costly thing and thus delay my finishing things up with my sys…. though I'd rather a delay than a re-do. Been there, done that, on the re-do thing.

I’ve been in the hunt for a different XLR IC from my preamp to amp lately. I found something quite interesting during that process. After (and still), trying several previously ‘untried’ brands in that spot, along with some of the same brand/model, as was/is already exsisting upstream, I’ve thus far found that the EXACT same brand as the source to preamp cable provides the greatest enhancement. The same brand & model, even more so…

Is this common?

Perhaps much of the ‘cabling’ going on in the majority of systems I see here at Audiogone in the various posted systems is a ‘cost’ driven exorcise. Can’t say for sure… and perhaps not, though surely it would be understandable were it so. Given the results, which really speak for themselves, I fail to understand Why then, aren’t more systems running the same brand IC and/or even the same model IC, as wel throughout a system?

Using a MIT Mag 3 on my source, and inserting another MIT offering between pre & amp, remarkable improvements were realized. First was the Shotgun S2, and following it, a Mag 3…. I stopped there as info I gained about which level of IC should be put where seems to indicate the source IC should be of a higher level than the pre to amp IC... or the same, but no further up than the upstream IC as a general rule.

Is this simply a thing MIT has going for themselves? Would even greater positive attributes be realized by adding MIT speaker wires too? Or maybe that’s too much of a good thing?

Or is this just a fluke?

I’m still looking and have a few more items to review before making my choice… but it’s getting closer to ‘buying time’ and I thought I’d ask those in the know… still I want to try both Synergistic REs Ref, and Nirvana SX & SL, as well before deciding. Other cables I've put in have been from decent to outstanding, for the most part thus far, but 'same same' sure has the edge right now.

thanks pops

I THINK i'LL wind up with all mit ic's (MAG3 on source, MAG3 from pre to amp)... THOUGH IT'S STILL UNSETTLED. Yet greatest impact was an S2... followed by an even GREATER impact from the MAG3. Mag 3 providing far more resolution and way more revealing. ONce the right selection of switches was determined... using the BAT impedance info for the amp the first choice of HIGH proved to be NOT quite as good overall as the MED. the sonic qualities that differed from choosing other settings on the impedance box, was that the phasing of the soundstage was off a touch here or there.. . the MED was the best position in the end. The bottom end was stunning. Mid bass was exceptional. It was like the cabling had a grip on the music holding it to a homogenous mix of sound in a reflection of the area available for it's reproduction. If I were to be extremely critical the one knock I'd have on the MAG3 apart from my personal taste for a less revealing offering, I'd say it held possibly to tight a grip on the sound. Neither strained or muted, less 'bloomy' ? for lack of a better word. and it could well be just me not being used to that sort of presentation. ON the whole very exciting to listen to... had it not been for company I had at the time I'd not have gotten much sleep during that trial/demo.

I've two questions...
The overall 'jump' from the S2 to the MAG3 was such a great leap I'm wondering Would a S1 from pre to amp be nearly everything the MAG3 would offer? albeit not the degree of resolution and likely lessened bass too.. though by what degree (s)?

in essence a MAG3 SOURCE, S1 p TO a..
and if the above is done, which speaker wires from MIT would be both a great choice and good value... (I'm thinking no more than the S1's, but eyeing the S2's. for value)...

Note here: One of those "If you never hear the model XXXX, you'll love the yadayada!" Well I did hear the XXX... and yep. Way good, a touch more revealing than perhaps I'd care to have but it did come across quite easy enough to take without the timberal upswing of some others... not quite the air a lot of cables have yet great spaciality, and placement of images... matter of fact the imaging was a standout attribute along with that remarkable bottom end and large sound stage. I'm not a 'res' freak by any stretch of the imagination. I'm into a warmer and full sound with musicality a must. the mag 3 & S2 combo did exactly that... swapping out the S2 for the mag3 and thus having TWO mag3's WAS EXPONENTIALLY BETTER.... for the brief period I had to check them out... I was convinced right then and there but now am a bit less so. heat of the moment and all that jazz I suppose. though easily I'd say another MIT IC adding to the mag already on the CD was a great compliment to the system synergy going on right now. another few weeks and I should know for sure if everythingstays on schedule... The VooDoo Ultrlinear is also in the mix though not quite the bottom end of the MIT's yet. (it's brand new) Very musical with super soundstage width and height.. very balanced... and way less the investment. Still too early to say much about the Ultralinear. It is promising though.
Blindjim, here's what I'm doing right now...I've got 330 SG from Merdian dac to a CJ premier 14 and 350 SG EVO from pre to Mac 501 mono's. I usually use a 350 reference where the 330 is but it is tilted up a little and slightly lean, where the 330 is more full bodied and maybe a little forgiving for digital.

I think the 330 SG is one of MIT's best for the money, I also have Mag 1 IC's but haven't really given them a chance, they seem to be in the 330 SG vein versus the 350 reference. The 350 EVO is awesome between pre and amp but I don't like it between my dac and pre...Sounds like you've got the idea with your synergy.

I'm using Mag 2 speaker cables, have used 750 S 3's in the past, in the HT right now. I think your IC's are more important IMO, you can get away with a lower model speaker cable, I've had oracle v3 and I think the Mag 2's are really close ....but still expensive. That's the problem with MIT - you should try to find 1 reference IC and stick with what you've got and my bet is you will be happy for a long time, too much reference level cable can be too much of a good thing. I think the 350 EVO offers alot, the midrange presence is fantastic...BTW, I'm using Thiel 3.6 so MIT is a good fit....good luck, let me know what you decide to do.
Just last night, I put in a Tice Infinite Speed power cord in place of the Tice PC-2 cord which was going to the cdp. That one power cord changed the dynamics of the MIT 750 Shotgun S3 speaker cables I had just bought.
Initially, I was unimpressed with the MIT cables. They sounded no more detailed than the Tice cables. It sounded like someone electronically changed the pitch of the music (which makes sense, when one considers that MIT uses electronics inside their boxes on the cables!). However, just the change of one power cable radically improved the MIT speaker cable's sound! The cabling end of audio is constantly surprising me!
My point: Every cable in a high enough resolving system will have a large enough impact on sound to merit experimentation. I have tried rigging the entire system with two or three brands: Audioquest, Harmonic Technology, Tice. Of the three, Tice speaker and IC wires are my favorite.
However, only through mixing and matching of power cords has the best of the system been brought out. Currently with Xindak FP-Gold power cords running to amps and the Tice to the cdp.

It truly is an art similar to becoming a good chef. Experimentation/trial and error will bring you to a good conclusion. Be prepared to have several hundred dollars, even a couple thousand tied up in wires for a while, but in the end you can (if you purchased them prudently) will be able to recoup most of your money and will have significantly improved the sound.

If you stick with only one brand of cabling, you will never really know what your components are capable of.
One last thought; I would not try to use cabling to "fix" what's perceived as a major flaw in the system's sound. If you just don't like what's happening, look for a component change, not a cable change. There may be exceptions, but typically I have seen that one gets "larger" payoffs by changing other components than cables.
If you like your gear and want to tweak it to improve what's already enjoyed, then go for the wire wackiness!
Thanks Doug.

Given you made one change in a power cord, and the result was significantly noticeable, I’d say the MIT speaker wires you have did their job. They allowed the impact of the change to become apparent. I’d say that’s a good thing. I’ve never heard of the tice cables you mentioned… but that don’t mean much. I’m somewhat myopic in regard to cables and gear, and to a good degree pretty conservative. Although I do try to steer clear of those with too much ‘unobtainium’ in their construct. MIT is not alone in the amounts of unobtainium they employ in the construct of their interfaces. So far as I’m concerned the end result is the ticket.

As my system is an excellent sounding one, and given personal prefs, I seek only to tweak it to my liking. My one great issue is the speakers. Although the JR’s do well, and extremely so for the price, they do not possess the traits in performance that I would most enjoy. Not knocking the JR’s per se, just pointing to the facts of preference. What I want in a speaker is going to become quite the issue as ones with high recommendations also come with high prices. Homage, Sophia, Utopia, Totem’s upper end, etc. A sweeter reproduction of the mids and highs using some wiring chages are the focus.

Regarding the thrust of the thread, and having decided as one poster mentioned, replacing a most integral part of the IC chain, there’s lots of ways to go. Another MIT and I’ve seen that synergy with two different MIT wires. Both added to the overall enhancement of system sound. Still another cable, whose power cords I use has made changes as well…. And I’ve found with those I’ve recently integrated that similar technologies, does add some extra quotient to the mix. With the MITs in the sys, there were two IC’s involved: Source to pre, and pre to amp. Two out of the three were the same brand. Good to great results were achieved... albeit with a slight reservation in regard to the degree of resolution. As smooth as my electronics are, exposing every last detail on a CD along with many times the fashion it was recorded & produced, just ain’t what I’m about.

Just now with the addition of a Synergistic Resolution Reference active xlr on the amp… which coincides with the Signature 10 speaker wires I have on the JR’s, there seems another bit of synergy going on. I’m not thrilled with having to plug in wires to the power outlet if they ain’t power cords though… but ever how SAR came up with this notion of active networks for their cables… it sure is surprising what the benefits are. Amazing actually. Turn off the power to the cables and they simply aren’t the same. Nowhere near it. Plugged in though, and they are fairly remarkable. The additional benefit of less worry about crossing over other wires is diminished to just an afterthought, but for me, a good afterthought given I’m a bit ‘hard of seeing’ these days. But this is about the sound. And thus far the sound is quite good. Smoother than the MIT with near the same presence in the mid. Tight bass but not as abundant as the MITs. A silkyness in the top ranges yet with great detail. Symbols are as natural as I’ve yet heard. . . and air. Heavy on the air. They aren’t quite run in thus far and I’m splitting duty in that respect with an Ultra linear from VooDoo which has as much resolution as did the MIT Mag3 I previously tried briefly. The Ultralinear seems a mix of the MIT MAG3 & the Synergistic Res Ref. Lots of air, plenty of resolution, great balance, and very musical. I suspect that without another Ultralinear or VooDoo offering upstream or down, the resultant integration of a ‘stand alone’ IC at least in this instance, bears out to some degree, cable synergy. As my findings are not based on tons of different combinations of similar or dissimilar cables I can only go on what I’ve seen first hand…. No pun intended.

I have indeed realized the marked improvements when the same brand of cable either follows or precedes itself in the signal path. Of that I have no doubt. IN so far as MIT & Synergistic Audio are concerned. This ‘likewise cabling’ affectation or support of the signal does make sense. It would seem what is perceived as hype from cable manufacturers is not hype at all. It appears as simple justification. The cable makers ain’t using other cables when they are testing and developing their own lines. I’m satisfied with that bit of first hand knowledge. I found it true with having the same brand preamp & amp. Same brand ICs. Same brand IC & spkr wires. Same brand power cords at amp & AC line cond. Though I’ll still not dispute another’s experience with using different cables on components, be they likewise or not. I’ve one pair more to prevue and at that point I should be settled enough to make an informed choice as to which cable for the preamp to amp connection.

For me, it’s about the reproduction of music in such a fashion that it is involving, musical, and satisfying. I find it satisfying when it draws me in. When I’m swaying in my seat, slapping the chair arms, or openly remarking that the musicians I’ve just heard might well make a good living doing this professionally. That’s musical enjoyment in my opinion. Regardless the name on the components’ outside…. It’s how I feel on the inside. Getting there for me ain’t fun. Being there is. And ya gotta get there…. You want to see Mickey Duck, you gotta go to Disney. How ya get there is a whole different ball game.

“Same – same” does have the upper hand presently. IMHO. stay tuned.