XLR-RCA adapters - which to choose?

I need an RCA male to XLR male adapter because my SACD player doesn't have balanced outputs and I don't want to reterminate my (expensive) Nirvana S-X Ltd interconnects! Does anyone have a view on who makes the best and/or best value adapters? I have been considering Purist Audio Design (expensive) and Cardas (less expensive). Is there much differnce between them and are ther others I should look at? Thanks
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We bought ours from member infinity_audio here on Audiogon.
Around $40, and they work great.
Tvad, you're right....it will require an additional set of interconnects. I hadn't thought about that.

This audio hobby is insane. There is no end to the madness.
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Get the Cardas. I am using them on my own Nirvana S-X Ltds. for a similar problem, needing to turn a balanced cable into RCA. They are relatively inexpensive and I have not detected any sound coloration whatsoever. A simple solution.