Speaker cables being pricier than main speakers

I was just wondering if there is anybody out there with their speaker cables being more expensive than the speakers itself. Although it may seem unwise or unjustified to have the cables pricier than the speakers as one could always upgrade to a more substantial or better pair of speakers, I always had this crazy idea of having the Nordost Valhallas permanently with my speakers, but then I could get a whole lot more upgrading the speakers rather than the cable.

My speaker cables cost about 1/4 the price of my speakers.

Just curious.
"revealing/unforgiving cables"...quite a statement since whatever differences anyone seems to find in cables is still masked if done in a blind test. Just a frame of reference, please continue to enjoy our hobby.

The thought that anyone allows their financial commitment in cables to limit their choice of speaker is obsurd though. Pick you speaker with zip cord, then change cabling as you like.

I would look at a cable like any other component and would not compare to a speaker based on a price. If your system can benenfit from a cable and it happens to be expensive but you can afford it then you buy it.

When I moved up to Audioquest silver speaker cables the improvement was so profound that I never thought negatively about it because they were more expensive than my speakers. No different than if I purchased an expensive cd player that made a big improvement.
Ryder, you can contact cable company or go to their website www.fatwyre.com and get their phone number. Give them a call. They have a lending library, a huge selection of cables. You can actually borrow any speaker cable that costs more than your speakers, including the Valhalla, and give these cables a try in your own system. This way you don't have to rely on someone elses opinion. You'll see it first hand if it's worth it and what kind of improvement you gained with these cables. The only downside is that the borrow comes in at 5% of the cost of the cable and they keep the money until you buy something from them, which is when they will credit this summ towards your purchase. Hey, if you want to spend money on speaker cables that cost more than your speakers, go ahead. Whatever floats your boat. I personally would have the money go towards a good source component. Ooops...suggestion again....sorry budd....
Using MSRP as the price, my speaker cables are 0.6% of the speakers. At the price I paid, they represent 1.3%.

25% and 30%?...that's CRAZY!

Better off to spend that money on better speakers than expensive cables.

Does ANYONE really believe that cable dollars give you more sound improvement than the same dollars spent on upgrading the speakers?

You really think that $3000 cables and $7000 speakers are better than $100 cables and $9900 speakers? (assuming same speaker manufacturer so that you are moving up in their line)....C'mon!
Bigbucks, are you saying you would buy 9900 speakers and spend 100 on cables? Your benchmark is less than %2 of speaker price for cables?

I think better speakers deserve better cables. If an expensive cable can make the speaker sound measurable better to the buyer why not spend bigbucks on cables. Do you think a 10K speaker will sound best with $100 cable?

As I mentioned before, cables are components and should be treated and budgeted accordingly.