cable burn in process

Hi folks, do you also share the same experience regarding cable burn in process? A not yet broken in interconnect (or speaker cable), right out of the box sounds during the first 10-20 hours of listening quite good. We are hearing some or the cable's characteristics and how it would sound when fully broken in. After 10-20 hours the sound gets worse, the cable sounds totally off. After >50 hours (a few weeks of listening) the sound returns to baseline, but with more body, smoother treble and bigger soundstage. This is a phenomenon which I have encountered many times during my cable journey. I believe cables need burn in time, but the sonic changes in this particular order remain one of the mysteries of audio.

I think your correct.

New equipment be it preamp, amp, interconnect or speaker cable will sound reasonably good out of the box, turn for the worse after a few hours, eventually sounding much better than where it began.

Phono cartridges and speakers don't seem to follow this rule as they are a combination of both electrical and mechanical break in.

Although CD players are both mechanical and electrical, they generally sound better when left on 100% of the time. My CD player sounds terrible if I turn it off for a week and then back on to listen.

Completely broken in cables require refreshing if not used for some time. Not nearly the difference experienced with the original break in, but cables with lots of hours recently inserted into my system always sound better after they are used a bit.

I now use only one brand of cable but found this applies to every cable I've owned over the last 20+ years. Perhaps it's the connectors, solder joints and insulation settling in.
Yes it is normal, IME. The wire and dielectrics are changing due to voltage/current. In electronics, I have always needed a good 300 hours before I evaluate.
I just bought 2 new sets of I/C's and my systems sounds like s##t. Looking for a diy cable cooker.

I agree, but I've never heard the sound getting "worse" before it gets better again. I've always noticed just continuing improvement.
Fatparrot. What I hear is (usually) the high frequencies being compressed or rolled off at first startup. Then, after a few hours of break in the top opens up and reveals all the "jagged" errors of new stuff.

After enough hours the top sounds good again but with details (and no jagged) as compared to first moment of turn on.

As everyone here at Audiogon likes to say, your mileage may vary.