Military Spec Nuclear Shielded Speaker Cable?

Has anyone tried this? It is currently listed in Audiogon. I saw one positive feedback with listening details, but is there anyone else out there?
This is not bad cable, it makes decent speaker and inner-connect cable but his price is way too high. This cable shows up all the time on auctions and other places.

The cable is all but gauranteed NOT OFC. It's generic plain jane stranded cable with silver plate. The shielding on there would not stop the EMF of an atomic blast. This guy is a natural born hype specialist.
Silver plate is the us governments way of keeping corrosion resistance down. If OFC was lower cost ---- then they might have gone there. But only audiophools use OFC and silver. It's like wearing gloves over gloves.

Still the cable is sold just way overpriced. Keep in mind this is USED cable as it came out of ordinance.

$2.50 a foot doesn't seem very expensive. I've tried it with silver bananas and it does a pretty nice job.
Real EMF-proof and Rad-hard cables, such as those in the ballistic missiles I worked on, are as flexible as a baseball bat, and just as thick.