Audience Au24 with high current SS amps.... anyone using the Au24 speaker cables with high current SS amps? I had good results with these cables with my tube amp, but with two different SS amps of relatively high current I have blown two ribbon tweeters in magnepans. And yes, it was the tweeter in either speaker, not the same one twice. I heard some rumblings that the capacitance of these cables might not be the best match for my application. I cannot find any figures on the Audience website about the inductance or capacitance of their cables. Any thoughts?
>Could it be that the ribbon tweeters are more sensitive to inductance/capacitance variances during music than regular tweeters?<

I think that could very well be. At least for now I will have a late 99 pair of 3.5Rs with brand new ribbon tweeters. One more tweeter goes and it's time to re-think this setup....

I used AU-24s to drive Legacy Whispers from a McCormack DNA-500 without any problems. Lots of current, 900wpc into 4 ohms. My Whispers are pretty highly efficient (95 according to website) and never had any issues, regardless of volume.

Doesn't sound like your problem is the Au24s, but in your setup, as others have suggested. Good luck.
I use Au24 with my DNA-500 with no problems (speakers are Thiel). However, I thought their sound better complemented my VTL tube mono's in certain respects, and am presently checking out some other SC alternatives for comparisons.