Cardas Golden Ref vs Acoustic Zen Silver ref vs KS

Could the users define sonic signatures of these three cables.
Which ones do not sway from neutrality too much?
Which ones sounds MORE natural and livelier?
Knowing everyone has different definition of neutral, best, etc etc stating as many characteristics of each cable would assist me as which direction to go. I am stuck with definition of neutral in my mind for years to get rid of it and /or learn what actuall neutral is?
Is neutral reallly SOUNDS brighter at higer freq or subtle?


I found that WOW!! was a bit more forward sounding in my system comparing to Matrix Ref MkII or Silver Ref MkII. Soundstage is a bit shallow as well. But WOW is definitely a nice cable for the money. I'd recommend you borrow some cables from cable company, so to narrow your choice. That could be one of the options.

I also uset the Matrix Ref II from preamp to amp and Silver Ref II from my sources to preamp. I agree with everything you said. The main thing I wanted to achieve was just a bit more warmth (which I got from the Matrix) without losing detail and dynamics (which I got from the Silvers).

I did find the Cardas Golden to be a bit too warm for my tastes. But in the end, it really depends on what you are trying to achieve.

I recently upgraded from Cardas Golden Cross to their Golden Reference from my Pre to my Amp and it is a little less warm sounding than the Golden Cross. I like these alot compared to the Golden Cross less warmth more detail but not fatuiging in the least and I'm using the Golden Reference Power Chords. If you want neutral try a demo of the Cardas Neutral interconnect and see how that sounds.