RCA cleaners


There used to be plastic RCA cleaners--you'd put cleaning solution on them and they'd fit onto the RCA connectors on the equipment. They were white (I remember this because after cleaning, they'd come out black with dirt). The company that made them went out of business in the 1990s. Does anyone make anything like this now? There was nothing better (that I knew of) for getting into the RCA jacks on equipment.


Here they are


(At least I think these are the ones...)

I just emailed FatWyre and ask if the ones advertised were the original. I provided a description and the product number off one of my packages. If they answer yes I will buy a few and determine if they are as good as the "old" ones.
For any who care, the old package of cleaning tools from Signet were marked "Made in Japan."

FatWyre confirms the ones they have in stock are made in Canada. Nothing against Canada, but obviously not the original. I'll pass on this opportunity to do the test.
Damn, you got my hopes up. Those little Signet tools were just the ticket. Albert, some time ago you recommended a brush. Are they still available?