Do Cables Wear Out?

A fellow Hi - Fi friend was explaining particle breakdown in cables after years of use and loud rock use will bring demise sooner. Anyone have knowledge of this?
Audiofeil, I like your idea! I'd imagine the payments on a $500 cable might work out to be $628 over three years. I wonder what the residual value will be at the end of the lease? At least excessive wear you mention would be covered under warranty, heheh.
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Tvad, would this be like checking to see if you can still see the top of Abe Lincoln or FDR's head?
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Three observations,

first, nobody has mentioned corrosion, which can occur to copper cables over time;

second, to Guidocorona, last time I checked coal or whatever fuel is used to power generators and does not cause impurities in the electron flow, no matter how dirty. However, the dirty coal might contribute to air pollution, greenhouse effect and global warming (which is bad for tube amps);

and finally, to Gunbei, I have not seen any pictures posted of your girlfriends but after the mental picture your post provides, I have made a note to self not to buy any used cables from you :>)