Recommendation for interconnect and speaker cables

I'm trying to make my way through the choices of cables for my new system. I have a pair of Thiel 2.4 speakers, a Krell 300iL integrated amp and a couple of NAD components. I obviously want cabling that does not detract from the sound that these components will display, but I also want something that is fairly cost effective. Any thoughts out there? Thanks
Hello Shimdog,What are you using now ,and what do you like,dislike about the sound and how much are you looking to spend? I really like the Puristaudio Museaus line,Buy used if possible and you can get most of your money back if your not happy,Peace,Ray
Try Blue Jeans cable. Excellent product @ real world prices. Used in recording studios. why pay more for snakeoil.
Gregg Straley's cables. They beat cables that cost 3 times as much in my system as well as several other people I know.