The best power conditioner for less than $1K?

I have a Rotel 1095 200x5 Amp, an Older Yamaha M-4 170x2 Amp, a Rotel 1066 Processor, a Denon 3910 DVD, a Sansui TU717 Tuner, and Sunfire Architectural Sub. My main speakers are Proac Studio 200's. I am using a Proac CC2 Center channel and have in-wall Def Tech BPZA surrounds. My present power conditioner is a Monster 3600.

I would really like to get a more analog warm 2 ch sound. Any recommednations on what power conditioner would help?
Remove the Monster I had a 2600 which was actually better for 2 channel cause it had less filtering than your monster, but it still was restricted slightly in the lower mids and bass causing it to be a bit less organic sounding, Go for a Power Link By ensemble, or possibly the one I think made by Blue circle now, these Are straight Copper buss bar design, no power switch and high quality outlets and dead silent shielded isolation type design, but they do nothing special just show you what your equipment sounds like.
I bought a year old BPT 3.5 Signature for $1300. I know I asked for recommendations for less than 1K. I'll let you all know my impressions after I've had a chance to run in my system for awhile.
i am using a p 300 with my tube preamp and tube cd player.

i find the affect of the power plant upon the treble response to be of a subtractive nature.

if there is noise and other "pollution" on the ac line, removing such artifacts may "warm" up the overall sound of your system by eliminating what is perceived as an imbalance in the treble region.