Ultimate Cables

Anyone ever audition their IC's? Curious as to the sound of the silver/copper hybrid and how they compare.
Considering cables cost a couple bucks to make, I'd hardly call the prices "ridiculously low", not ridiculously high would be more accurate. ;)

That out of the way. I have the ICs in a bedroom system and they get the job done fine.
You nailed it.

Mind elaborating a bit on the sound? Compared to others? Do you find them 'the best of both worlds'?
I'm a big fan of Ultimate Cables, the level of detail exceeds all other IC's I've tried. Deep taught bass and a good sound stage. Both of my systems are wired exclusively with Ultimate C4's. Excellent bang for the buck.


Considering cables cost a couple bucks to make...

A couple bucks for who to make? A Chinese mass producer?
Some of the Zu Cables use a "silver alloy" but my guess is that it would be copper and silver. Their Varial and Wylde interconnects, Ibis and Libtec speaker cables, and Mother and BoK power cords use it. I just put Wylde, Libtec, and BoK cables in my LP-based 2-channel system and like the results very much--lowered noise floor, more dynamic extremes and nuance, more transparency, more fully fleshed out tones, and better rhythm and timing.