Have AZ Martrix Ref II's/ Compare to Silver Ref 2

I currently have the Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II IC's between my Sony Modwright 999ES and Dussun V8i integrated. How does the Silver Reference II compare to the Matrix Ref II in terms of midrange/ midbass, low end, overeall weight, and slam? I have no experience with silver cables but my research says that silver IC's have a leaner presentation with less midrange fullness, less bass weight, less low end presence and slam. Is this also true of the Silver Reference II compared to the Matrix Reference II? thanks
Foster, I think with your config it's a little different. You're running directly to integrated. It's a different story than if you had a source to pre and then pre to amp. So I think the best way to find out is to try. In general, Silver Ref II is a more open sounding cable. No loss of bass or midrange bloom when it is used in a combination with Matrix Ref II. But by itself, I don't know.

Gunbei, I tried 2 Silver Ref II cables(from source to pre and from pre to amp) once and did not like it at all. It was a very artificial sound, very thin and absolutely uninvolving. I gave up on that idea quick. But, that was in my system, but in your system it may be different. I am using Silver Ref II from cd to pre and Matrix II from pre to amp.

Also, I had both a single ended and XLR version of Silver Ref II ICs and tried them side by side with my cd player into my preamp. No question, XLR is better, so I kept it and sold the single-ended cable. But, I think, it is better because of the way the components are ment to operate. Not because it is a better cable. So, could it be possible that the biggest difference between single-ended and XLR cable can be noticed by comparing them on the source component into preamp, and not from preamp to amp?
Interesting experience and ideas, Audphile1. Factoring in my experience, your suggested conclusions make sense. Or it could just be different systems, gear, etc... What a hobby, eh?
Like a lot of people here, I have the Matrix II between my amp and preamp and the Silver from all of my sources to my preamp. I prefer a slight warm sound which the Matrix gives while the Silvers give me all of the detail and resolution of my source. I am very happy with this setup. I am using all XLR.

By the way, before I purchased the Zens I auditioned a lot of cables through the Cable Co. I tried Synergistic Research, Nordost, Purist Audio Design, Transparent, a few others I cant remember.
I went from AZ Matrix II's to AZ Silver Reference II's between my tubed Cary 308T CDP and Cary Sli-80 tubed integrated. In my sytem the Silver is "cleaner" sounding than than the Matrix II's, which sounded a little "thicker" in comparison. I know that's a vague discription, but genearlly I would say that the Silver II's do everything the Matrix II's do, but are more refined in their presentation. I have not noticed any edginess or other traits commmonly associated with Silver and they were as smooth as butter from day one.