Purist Audio, Venustas or Aqueous

I now have a Dominus powercord on my Gryphon Antileon and the Dominus digital between my krell dt10 and Ref64. Since I can't afford more dominus cables I will get me a Aqueous powercord for the drive and dac and one for my pre (krell krc-hr)
But I want more ! so I'm very much in doubt of interonnects and speakercable. I've read many reviews here but I can't make a choice between the Venustas and Aqueous. I do need 2 interconnect and a cable to my Avalon Ascendant. What I want:

Price between the to cables is not an issue
I do love a wide and open mid and high
I don't need any more slam or foundation in the bass

Is there someone who can advise me on this ? I've been talking to Jim several times now but I just can't get it clear.
ok thank you all for you input. I just talked to Jim and he to thinks I should go for the Aqueous. But if there are more people who did an a/b compare please respons here
Boa2, since you have both, I assume you made A-B comparisons. What are these "huge" differences?
In this thread from last week, I posted my impressions concerning the differences between the two.
Boa2, thanks, I just read that other thread. I can only conclude that in my (very articulate) system, the Venustas probably sound just like the Aqueous does in your system.

In any case, I certainly wouldn't want any further high end extension; the bass is very fast and plentiful with the Depth sub. So perhaps the Anniversary series would work better with most systems.

What I'd really like is to A-B a Dominus phono cable with my Venustas. I can't imagine it's that much better, but many people seem to think so. Except if it is, then I'll want to hear the Siltech before I write a check . . . . . . . . ha ha!

Boa2, thanks, I just read that other thread. I can only conclude that in my (very articulate) system, the Venustas probably sound just like the Aqueous does in your system.
I wouldn't know, other than to say that I thought the Venustas were extended and transparent until I heard the Aqueous.
so has one of you compared the Dominus PC to the Aqueous ? Since I've some money left not buying the Venustas ic en spkr I might spend it on the pc's. Same thing goes. I don't need more baseslam but I want the best overall performance and balance. What would it be ? Dominus pc of Aqueous pc ?