Preserve Golden Referance sound add Netrual Ref ?

My cd player is connected to the preamp with 1 meter Cardas Golden Referance.
There is app 8 meters of Taralabs Decade cabling from the pre to power amps.
I am trying to find out if by using 8 meters Netural Referance from pre to pwr amps if the sound will remain the same, since Cardas claim that NR is netural (my understand is, fails to add or subtract, in other words no sonic change can be heard). 8 meters NR is half less than GR.
Any knowledge of this is extremely thankful.
Thanks to everyone for your advice.
ICs are balanced. Teac Esoteric X03 and Droplet CD players are connected with 2 pairs 1 meter Golden Ref to Bat 51 se pre. 4 meters from pre to Bryston crossover, 2 meters to non-bass BAT 150 SE amps and 2 meter to bass Simaudio W10 amps. 2x5 meters speaker cables to Magnepan MG 20r. Cables are all Tara Decade.
The Golden Ref makes a change in the music that I really like:
By adding more Golden Ref , I am concern about the 'additive effects', in other words I would prefer to create IC chances between the CDP and pre, since this is the shortest run and most economical.
John, thank you.

Tplavas - you are correct, but only because Terry mis-stated what Cardas says about their Neutral Reference. Neutral Reference has the same sonic characteristics at 30 feet that it does at 3 feet. If you like the sound of the system with the 3 footers in it, the system will sound the same if you substituted 30 feet (of the Neutral Reference).
Now back to Terry - what brand/model components are you connecting with this long run? Is it single ended or balanced? Let me know and I will try and help.

Um, no.
There is no such thing as an IC that sounds the same at 30 feet as it does at 3 ft. That's fact. I respect Cardas products, but there is no magic that can change the electrical differences inherent in an extra 27 feet of IC cable, or 23 feet in Terryakhan's case.
If Cardas can make such a product, they will have many curious physicists knocking on their door.
Tplavas - you say "that's a fact" without ever stating a fact (you MUST be a republican!). You stated "some electricial differences inherant in" the different lengths. Sorry - but what has that got to do with the difference (or non-difference) in sound?? I bet the longer cable weighs more than the shorter one - but that has nothing to do with comparitive sound either. What WOULD be acceptable as a fact is IF you had ever taken the time to try a 1M and a 10 M pair of these Cardas Neutral Ref interconnects in the same system and then made a statement about the comparitive sound of the two diffeent cable lengths in the system. What you really MEANT to say is - "this is my opinion...."regarding the sound of this cable at two different lengths because I BELIEVE that this (unnamed) electricial characteristic makes a sonic difference in how the two different lengths sound. I am happy that I could help you out (now which way did you come in?)
Jwpstayman, FYI, I've owned the Cardas Golden Ref., for which Cardas makes the same "same at any length" claim. I've owned both a 1 meter and 2 meter, RCA terminated, and I could clearly hear a (minor) difference between the two, which is why I made my previous statement. I'm not in the habit of making off-the-cuff statements about products.
Sorry that you found my sharing of an opinion based on my experience so upsetting.
Thank you for all your response.
After several days and hours of listening here is what I have found in my system as many of you indicated.
Connected between CDP and preamp is a 1 and 2 meter pair Golden Referances at different inputs at the preamp. Both cables sound different. The 2 meter tilts up the bass notes that it is not listenable. The 1 meter sounds the best. However I do prefer the 1 meter Netural Ref over the Golden Ref.
And as you guess, the 8 meters NR run from pre to crossovers to power amps creates outrageous bass which is no good. I think this is additive effects.
Replaced the 8 meters NR with the 10-12 years old Tara Decade brought everything to normal again.
It now appears to me that I should only change the IC between the CDP and preamp to gain controllable changes.
What I have learned now is that each different lenghts of IC will change the sound and seems to me that the IC are sliding knobs on an equalizer.
Thank you again.