Anti-cables vs CC89259

I've been a user of the CC89259 for many years now. But recently a lot of fellow audio club members have been replacing their expensive speaker cables with these "Anti-cables"

Has anyone had any direct experience comparing these against the CC89259? I know they are inexpensive enough to just try out for myself, but I am still wondering if anyone's had any experience with them and what your thoughts are.

The Anticables take forever to break in. The web site says they don't but I'm afraid they do, but once they finally break watch out! They are amazing, it's like a pillow was removed from in front of my speakers. The anticables sound like crap at first so you have to be patient. It will pay off I promise.
Mtrot,you are dead right.Cutting the spades of the anti cables takes everything up a notch,especially voices which seem more in the room.
Sunsetsuperman,you are dead right too,these cables take around 500 hours of music through them to finally find their feet.Told Paul Speltz about this and he said a few of his customers had the same findings.Well worth the wait though.
I have to agree with Matcecil, and Nortberg. The Anti-cables were better than my old Kimbers right out of the box. I did notice a soft bloated bass, mids to die for, and a rolled off top.

Patience is a virtue. Now, after months of use, I have a deep defined bass, and airy highs. I do have their interconnects as well. Be sure to mate the two for the best synergy.

I will try the bare wire connection on the speaker. Thanks for the tip Mtrot.
When you go bare wire with them, do you need to scrape off the insulation coating and clean the copper?
I sanded the insulation off,cleaned with caig deoxit and then treated with walker sst.