Best $200 speaker cables for overall performance?

I am considering the Straley Reality cables, also ran across the Components Plus Audio Horizons speaker cables. Both are in the ballpark, pricewise.

These will be for a pair of Legacy Audio Classic speakers, which go down to about 25hz, so I do place a high value on LF extension and quality and slam. Currently, they are powered by a Nakamichi receiver at 120wpc.

Any other great speaker cables come to mind for this setup?

Thanks much for any input.
Go with the Alpha Core, I have heard both and while the Reality Cables are very good, I prefer their ICs over their speaker cables.
Can anyone comment on the 'Zoble' or impedance compensation network ? I am using speakers that do not have a crossover network and have been advised , by the manufacturer , not to use any filtering type cables as they would 'color' the signal . The speakers are Reference 3a De Capo i .
The "impedance compensation networks" or "Zobel's" as supplied by Goertz are not wired in series with the signal. They are placed across the speaker terminals in parallel with the signal path. They only come into play at frequencies WAY beyond audibility and are only used to help stabilize the amp that they are connected to. These are in NO WAYS similar in design to MIT's, Transparent's or other cabling with networks of "filters" built in. Sean
IMHO, the Alpha-Core Goertz are probably the least likely of speaker cables to "'color' the signal", which you may or may not appreciate.