Best $200 speaker cables for overall performance?

I am considering the Straley Reality cables, also ran across the Components Plus Audio Horizons speaker cables. Both are in the ballpark, pricewise.

These will be for a pair of Legacy Audio Classic speakers, which go down to about 25hz, so I do place a high value on LF extension and quality and slam. Currently, they are powered by a Nakamichi receiver at 120wpc.

Any other great speaker cables come to mind for this setup?

Thanks much for any input.
Well, I have not yet purchased any cables for the Legacys, but I just yesterday received a single run of Alpha Core Goertz MI-2 speaker cable for my center channel speaker in the front system. The MI-2 replaces a run of Speltz anti-cables which have done pretty well.

I have only so far listened to one movie, but I do believe the Goertz are going to knock off the anti-cables. The highs are definitely cleaner and better. It actually seems like there is MORE high frequency information there, if that is possible. This is not to say excessive HF response, and I do not detect any added sibilance.

So, as a result of this improvement in the center channel speaker, I am leaning towards the MI-2 for the Legacys in the back system. The only fly in the ointment is that the center channel speaker only goes down to about 55hz, so I can't tell anything about the MI-2's deep bass prowess.

My main contenders are now the Goertz MI-2, Straley Reality cable, Audio Art SC-5, Audio Horizons, LAT International SS-800.

Any thoughts?
The Goertz will give you deep bass. If you like them in the center channel you will love them in the rest of your system. I compared them recently in my system to the Supra Sword cables that cost close to $1000. While I thought the Swords were excellent cables and did a lot of things right, they did not convince me to replace the Goertz.
I have heard some LAT speaker wire(do not know the model but around $400)that was absolutely pedestrian and the Goertz easily beat it.
If there is a Goertz home trial offer, and you like them a lot, then you can choose them, and own a great value in cables.
Otherwise, a Reality home trial will surely impress you, as it did me, directly comparing the two companies.
Although it is not possible to audition too many competitors in you stereo setup, it really is not better to add up votes for one or the other here on Audiogon. Only what is heard in your own unique setup is important.