Best $200 speaker cables for overall performance?

I am considering the Straley Reality cables, also ran across the Components Plus Audio Horizons speaker cables. Both are in the ballpark, pricewise.

These will be for a pair of Legacy Audio Classic speakers, which go down to about 25hz, so I do place a high value on LF extension and quality and slam. Currently, they are powered by a Nakamichi receiver at 120wpc.

Any other great speaker cables come to mind for this setup?

Thanks much for any input.

Thanks for the tip on the jps supcondutor fx.

What kind of design are they?
I just bought a pair of 3m Audience Maestro's off AudioXsell for $175. These have a retail of almost $400. I was using Cardas Cross and in my system these Maestro's kick the Cardas's rear. I have much better bass, transparency, and dynamics. They are still not even broken in yet but very satisfied with them.
I found that many great companies have trouble with their communication. It's almost impossible to reach John Bedini, Richard Vandersteen don't even have email address for public, etc.
The best way to get RC Link (zobel network) is to call Alphacore directly 1-800-836-5920 and ask for Sandu Pescaru.
I will second S.D. Campbell on his selection of Kimber 4TC. I have owned it and 8TC as well and felt that the 8TC was much more problematic, particularly with regard to the abudance of bass with this cable. I have found the 4TC to be very neutral, neither hiper-detailed nor lacking in resolution and it is full-range, with excellent extension at both extremes. Excellent evidence of an excellent cable is that as I have seen my system change, the cable never got in the way of revealing the changes in sonic characteristics. I have never felt the need to upgrade the speaker cable. Insofar as my experience with interconnects and JPS Superconductor, although I haven't tried their speaker cable, my guess is that it is a worthy competitor in the budget range as well. My interconnect experience tells me that it might not be as neutral as 4TC, but it is reasonably smooth, a very solid mid-bass, dynamic and clean. To my ears, it has a slight emphasis in the upper mids - not enough to be unpleasant, but enough to be noticeable if you are aware of these things.
This can actually help some recordings by adding a little life, or if your system is on the dark side, it can be just the remedy to breathe a little life in the system. If you are looking for natural sound, you can spend a lot more and not do any better. I have tested many megabuck as well as hightly regarded, moderately-priced cables in my system (predominantly interconnects) and found that they do nothing but overemphasize one part of the frequency spectrum or another and call it an improvement. I think that you are right to go with excellent budget cables. If you want to look around at expensive cable later, you haven't lost much by owning a good budget cable that can be resold without losing any money.

One that I don't have experience with is Goertz Alpha-Core. I see that many have mentioned it favorably here.