I will second S.D. Campbell on his selection of Kimber 4TC. I have owned it and 8TC as well and felt that the 8TC was much more problematic, particularly with regard to the abudance of bass with this cable. I have found the 4TC to be very neutral, neither hiper-detailed nor lacking in resolution and it is full-range, with excellent extension at both extremes. Excellent evidence of an excellent cable is that as I have seen my system change, the cable never got in the way of revealing the changes in sonic characteristics. I have never felt the need to upgrade the speaker cable. Insofar as my experience with interconnects and JPS Superconductor, although I haven't tried their speaker cable, my guess is that it is a worthy competitor in the budget range as well. My interconnect experience tells me that it might not be as neutral as 4TC, but it is reasonably smooth, a very solid mid-bass, dynamic and clean. To my ears, it has a slight emphasis in the upper mids - not enough to be unpleasant, but enough to be noticeable if you are aware of these things.
This can actually help some recordings by adding a little life, or if your system is on the dark side, it can be just the remedy to breathe a little life in the system. If you are looking for natural sound, you can spend a lot more and not do any better. I have tested many megabuck as well as hightly regarded, moderately-priced cables in my system (predominantly interconnects) and found that they do nothing but overemphasize one part of the frequency spectrum or another and call it an improvement. I think that you are right to go with excellent budget cables. If you want to look around at expensive cable later, you haven't lost much by owning a good budget cable that can be resold without losing any money.
One that I don't have experience with is Goertz Alpha-Core. I see that many have mentioned it favorably here.