Tuff question= Banana plug to adapt to Spade ?

My Pass 350.5 Amp only can accept spades.

There is a set of used speaker cables that I would like to purchase but they have banana's on all ends.
I know there are many adaptors that can adapt the other way, but I dont recall every seeing the adaptor the way I have descibed.
Without resorting to re-termination , is there any type of adaptor that can adapt the speaker cable banana ends to fit in my Amps spade ?
I am serious, Please no bananna jokes! Well maybe a few , but only if I get my answer.
The way the Daytons are set up, the inner channel of the compression sleeve is the same size, and it's machined like the banana jack on a 5-way binding post. That is, it's designed to receive a banana plug. It will do no more damage than the banana jack does. Nsgarh's advice may be batter, but these are cheam, well made, and a nice thing to have handy I've used them numerous times in banana plugs for a quick adapter.
I am going to look into the Daytons, sounds like an option if not just a inner step.
But, Nsgarh's advise is heard and understood.
I have a APL Denon going direct via Cyberlights P2A to the Pass Labs Amp (no preamp).
I am using Legacy Focus Speakers. The Speaker cable I am looking at is Nordost Valhalla.
Man you should be fiven an award from the Audiogon Moderator.
You are the Man!. I just got the spades from Parts Express and they do in fact double as a banana adapter!
Thanks for the help!
If I ever again send out Christmas Cards , I will put you on my list.
Man you should be given an award from the Audiogon Moderator.
You are the Man!. I just got the spades from Parts Express and they do in fact double as a banana adapter!
Thanks for the help!
If I ever again send out Christmas Cards , I will put you on my list.
LOL! Thanks Ozzy, I think you're the first guy I've impressed this month :-)

Glad they work for you.