Best $200 speaker cables for overall performance?

I am considering the Straley Reality cables, also ran across the Components Plus Audio Horizons speaker cables. Both are in the ballpark, pricewise.

These will be for a pair of Legacy Audio Classic speakers, which go down to about 25hz, so I do place a high value on LF extension and quality and slam. Currently, they are powered by a Nakamichi receiver at 120wpc.

Any other great speaker cables come to mind for this setup?

Thanks much for any input.
You didn't say what length you need, but I'd recomment a used pair of Straightwire Maestro or for maybe $100 more a used pair of Purist Musaeus. Both are quiet and neutral. Purist had a little better imaging due to less time smear, but both good on bass and transients.
I use Gregg Straley`s Reality sp. cables and ic`s in my system. They`re sonically neutral, I think. Does it get any better than that?
Speltz Anti-Cables or SignalCable Silver Resolution. Both have excellent bass and should be in your price range. The SR cables are a bit more extended and detailed in the highs and the fit, finish, and ease of use is better than the Speltz in my view.