Best $200 speaker cables for overall performance?

I am considering the Straley Reality cables, also ran across the Components Plus Audio Horizons speaker cables. Both are in the ballpark, pricewise.

These will be for a pair of Legacy Audio Classic speakers, which go down to about 25hz, so I do place a high value on LF extension and quality and slam. Currently, they are powered by a Nakamichi receiver at 120wpc.

Any other great speaker cables come to mind for this setup?

Thanks much for any input.
You didn't say what length you need, but I'd recomment a used pair of Straightwire Maestro or for maybe $100 more a used pair of Purist Musaeus. Both are quiet and neutral. Purist had a little better imaging due to less time smear, but both good on bass and transients.
I use Gregg Straley`s Reality sp. cables and ic`s in my system. They`re sonically neutral, I think. Does it get any better than that?
Speltz Anti-Cables or SignalCable Silver Resolution. Both have excellent bass and should be in your price range. The SR cables are a bit more extended and detailed in the highs and the fit, finish, and ease of use is better than the Speltz in my view.
I'll second the recommendation for Gregg Straley's Reality speaker cables. They are the real deal for me, replacing cables that cost significantly more. They just allow the music to flow unimpeded with no colorations, a natural airiness and produce a wonderful soundstage.

I use a shotgun bi-wired pair with my Andra II speakers and Dodd amps.