Flat speaker cable

Hello All, It's been awhile but, as fate would have it, new house means new upgrades. I need some recommendations on flat speaker cable, the type you run under carpet. The new house has one of those "Media nitches" that limits....well, everything. The entertainment center we have wouldn't fit inside it, there's a fire place to the left of it which severly limit's speaker placement, so the only way to have rear speakers is to run the cables under the carpet. Thanks for any help. DBX
Buy some 16 or 32 conductor computer ribbon and terminate with spades or whatever. Cheap, flat, and 80% Nordost!!
Or get Nordost, 100% Nordost. They used to make a cable for this application, cheaper than their marque cables and can get in bulk at audio shops that carry nordost. I do believe that this cable is still available.
River Cable has Synergy Eight and Six. I have not checked but the additonal cost for long runs is usually very reasonable. I will be making a purchase soon for my subs.