Belden wire from Blue Jeans Cable?

Has anyone had experience with Belden wire from Blue Jeans Cable? How does it compare with other affordable speaker cable? Is it better than Acoustic Research, Monster etc.? How would you describe it's sonic characteristics if any? Thanks,
Thanks for your responses. I've never been a big believer in expensive cables. I presently am using basic Monster 14 gage. Recently tried 12 gage Home Depot extention cord and it softened (dulled) everything considerabley. So now I know they can make a difference. Would like to upgrade, but don't want to spend a fortune. Do you think the Belden would be an improvement over the Monster? Or would it be pretty much the same. Any other suggestions for reasonably priced cable would be welcomed as well. Thanks,
Try some magnet's solid core copper. Plenty of places on the net just google it. I'm not a fan of stranded wire used as speaker wire. Or you could make your own solid core silver speaker wires. Silver foil is another option. CAT5 telephone cables make for some good wires too.
A double run of Kimber 4 VS is very good if your spks. are bi-wireable. Another most excellent/affordable spk. cable is Linn K400. Musical. Goodwin's Audio can make a pr. for a very reasonable price. Highly recommnded.
Since I didn't have time last night to post them, here's a few sites to buy or build your own cables Make your own audio cables,DIY Cat5 Speaker Cables. Here's another place to buy DIY components Diy HiFi Supply. You could use cotton tubing instead of teflon if you so choose. Once you make your own the chances are you'll own them for good with no urge to spend more.

Good listening
In response to your question about whether Blue Jeans is better than Monster...I am sure Monster makes some better cable than I have heard, but I think the Blue Jeans is better than any of the regular Monster. I also like solid wire, so i prefer those types of ICs and Speaker cables. i am currently trying Anit-cables speaker wires and like them so far.