RidgeStreetAudio Poiema 3 IC'S?

Anyone tried these and what are your impressions? Thanks!
Have to agree with Jaguar.Anything Ridge Street Audio does is Exceptional all the way. Robert refuses to be unlike everyone else! I have been using his cables from the start..Very pleased customer.Great guy to deal with too!
These are exceptional cables and Robert is first rate. Silver done right. That being said there are a lot of cables I like, but you can't go wrong with these. A bit pricey and hardly come up used, just buy them and if you don't like them return them. You can't ask for more than that.

BTW - buy a Z-der block from Robert while you're at it.
I concur with all of the above posts. Robert's cables and cords are exceptional, especially considering the price. I replaced much more expensive cables/cords in my system with RSAD and now I just listen to the music, no longer trying to analyze it. I cannot think of a higher compliment than that.
Robert is also about the nicest and friendliest guy on AudiogoN.

I recently had the opportunity to substitute a pair of balanced Ridge Street Audio Poiema 3 signature I/C's in place of Purist Audio Design Aqueous Anniversary I/C's. They were used between a Resolution Audio Opus 21 cdp and an Aesthetix Calypso preamp. I thought the differences were quite substantial in favor of the RSA Poiema. The Poiema's gave the music more air and life. I thought the Poiema was more extended in both frequency extremes. The front to back layering was far better, as well as some added width. The most important difference however was the inner detail and timbral accuracy that each instrument, and even notes posessed. The strings on Acoustic guitar had a much more complexed harmonic structure. I was hearing instruments conveyed in a far more thruthful manner. The Poiema's consistantly brought more inner detail to every instrument on the many discs I sampled. The Aqueous are known for having a mid-range liquidity and presence, so I thought perhaps they would out-perform the Poiema's in this area. The Poiema's midrange was nothing short of spectacular. It retained the liquidity of the Aqueous, but was more refined and overall a much more tonally balanced cable. There is nothing in the frequency spectrum that stands out more than anything else with the Poiema's, it is very coherent and balanced top to bottom. The Aqueous sounded slow, dark, a little thick, and veiled by comparison. I have used Purist's products for five years, and really think they are an outstanding product, however the Poiema's in my sytem were seriously good.I felt the differences between these two cables warranted a comment or two. Thanx
When you have so many good things to say about a product, it becomes difficult to decide where to begin. I first purchased a used pair of Poiema!! xlr interconnects because of the good things I'd heard about RSA products. I enjoyed them so much that I purchased a 1 meter Poiema !!! digital cable, a 1 meter pair of Poiema !!! xlr's (both new) and 1 used Zder block.
Every time a new cable has been installed it has resulted in a substantial improvement. I was previously using Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval ic's and MIT terminator 3 digital cable. Trying to describe the change in performance sounds cliche, but there is improvement across the board. Everything now sounds more musically correct with incredible detail, very smooth frequency response, properly sized instruments, amazing imaging and soundstaging, and proper tonal balance. The cables sound incredibly fast without any harshness and have great pace, rhythm and timing.
I can go on and on about the sound but how do they make me respond to my system? Prior to installing the cables in my system I listened once or twice a week. With the Poiema!!! cables installed I listen twice a day and have trouble dragging myself away to do other things. My system is now much more enjoyable to listen to and that is what it is all about.
I like these cables so much, I have also ordered a Poiema !!! signature power cord. I will post my thoughts on it after I've had time to listen for a while. I plan to go through my entire system with RSA products as funds permit. I can also agree with all other posts that Richard is one of the friendliest people you will ever deal with on Audiogon. Try his products, you will be glad you did!