RidgeStreetAudio Poiema 3 IC'S?

Anyone tried these and what are your impressions? Thanks!
Hi Chris,

Congrats on the new cord! I still have a pair of Poiema!!! Signature's on my monoblock amps, and they are fantastic. I've also just received a Alethias! Signature power cord, but I haven't had a chance to play with it yet. Too many toys, too little time. I'll let you know what I think when I get a chance.

Thanks for the quick review on the Z-der blocks, I may have to look into them. Do you find they work best on the source, preamp, amp or power conditioner?

Hi John,
I tried the Z-der block at multiple points in my system. It made a difference no matter where I put it. I only have one so when I used it for my amps, I actually put it on the inlet to my conditioner for the amps (PS Audio UPC-200). In my system I liked it best either there or in series with the Poiema 3 sig power cord which is on my Denon 3910 dvd player.
There is also a thread on Audiogon about the Z-der block where several users comment on its usefullness. I initially found the thread thru the RSA website under the accessories category. there is a link there that takes you to the thread. Hope this helps.
Happy listening, Cris.
I use a Z-der block on my transport it made an improvement. I really didn't know how much of one until I took it out for a bit due to a component swap. It's back in now and doing its thing quite well. I'm considering getting one for my DAC as well.

Can anyone tell me if the RDAD power cords are shielded? I have their IC and know that Robert does not shield those (although it is an optio he offers).
I do not believe the power cords are sheilded, but it's best to ask Robert to make sure.

I'll look into the Z-der blocks, thanks for the tip. Could you describe the improvement? Your comment about not realizing how much of an improvement until you remove it reminds me of my experiences with Walker Audio Reference HDL's and Bybee Purifiers. 'Tweaks' that I've found to be helpful.

Another vote for the Signature Power Chord. I have had 2 in my system for about a month. I replaced them with an Audience chord, which is itself one of the first chords I thought really made a difference to my system. The P!!! chords were a big step up. The improvement seems across the board, but in a nutshell, more life and dynamics more musical. Having said that, all aspects of performance seemed better, except perhaps imaging, but that is'nt an issue for me.
One interesting aside, I had been troubled by an intermittent, very obtrusive transformer hum from my Karan K180. It has quite gone with the Poiema, why I am not sure, but I am not complaining.