VD Revelation Speaker cables -

I read reviews of these cables and usually there are good comments about the cables bass response and dynamics. But no mention of the upper frequency abilities. This makes me wonder...

From Stereo Times Review in December 2005.
"The Revelation sounds surprisingly real and un-electrical. It takes the “system” sound away from your electronics and gives them an almost a human touch. Some might judge this as rolled-off in the highs, or too warm in the midrange. I say it’s neither."

So, I dont know, perhaps I am thinking too much between the lines of this review. Is there rolled off highs in this cable that is detectable to us common folk?.

I have seen other comments on different cables stating about there high frequency characteristics as, "its a natural sound" Do they really mean it does not have extened highs? In my experience, many times that is the case.

Please dont get me wrong I love bass , midrange , dynamics and soundstage qualities but the cable also has to hit the high Frequency extremes.

I would appreciate anyone with experience with these cables would comment on the cables upper frequency abilities.
That is, does it sound like a cymbal crashing with impact and detail and shimmer or does it sound like a muted aluminum pie plate off in the distance?
Ozzy, these are very good cables, IMO, similar in sonic's to the nanotec wire. They are also the stiffest, biggest PIA cables I have ever tried, even more difficult the CRL gold. They have these magnets on the ends that attract each other, it is a real workout to set up. From what I understand they are dicontinued now, and a new cable will be introduced, although at a much higher price.

Best of luck in your journey

Going off of my VD Master Balanced Digital cable, if the whole line sounds along the same order, you'll be fine. With the Master, which was my latest upgrade, my system's sounding better than I've ever heard it sound. Extremely natural, and certainly not lacking in the highs. The cymbals sound as real as everything else does.

I've upgraded to the VD Revelation Balanced Digital, which is due to arrived today, so I can't tell you about that yet. VD says the Revelation is 30% better than the Master though.

On another note, you might want to check out this ad: http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?cablspkr&1165554447

He is supposed to have a demo to audition, and this speaker cable is half the price of the Revelation on Audiogon right now. When I put these Supra Sword speaker cables in my system, I actually feel asleep one evening and woke up, got out of my chair to flip the album over, forgetting that I sold my turntable two years ago. They have almost zero inductance, and are so fast and natural sounding, I've been upgrading my IC's and Digital Cable to try to match them!

Just a thought, if Audio Revelation has a demo pair, you have nothing to lose in trying them, and everything to gain including the $1000.00 you'd save. The VD Master digital cable does keep right up with the Supra Sword, that's why I bought the Revelation.

I find the cymbal a point to draw you into the music. After hearing this cable you say, Man is this cable good!!
There is so much air around the cymbal, you can almost count the brush wires as hit goes acrossed the cymbal.The cymbal is not pushed back behind the stage,being clearly heard and a part of the music. You can hear the attack of the stick, or brush, the shimmer of the cymbal with a natural decay that just floats until fadding away. Not just backround noise like we have all heard before. This cable does not get congested on the top end, Muted, No way. The cable is very clean, revealing, and open from top to bottom. I believe the reviewer had a hard time, just as I am now putting into word what he was hearing. Maybe the leading HARD edge of each note that is heard in the upper end is what is rolled-off, making the music sound natural,not thin, or tinney, and unlocking some hidden timing info on the disc. The music seems more alive and jumps out at you like nothing you heard before. Long burn in time required. Hope this helps. Brian

I would say the cables are neutral and do not exhibit an artificial sizzle in the high frequencies. As I listen to LP after LP I sometimes wonder if there is something missing, but then an LP will come on next that has extremely detailed, liquid, extended highs etc. I then realize that these cables are true to the source and when there is a situation that things don't sound extended it's the fault of the recording. I think this is what the Stereo Times reviewer was trying to say.

When something has a distinct attribute, it tends to have it on all recordings. The Revelation Series does not have any shortcomings from what I can ascertain.


I wrote a long response last night, but it was not posted for some reason. You'll be fine!
