i have a pair of B&W800d's. KRELL evolution 600's, VPI HRX turntable, dynevector xv-1s and/or shelter 9000 and hovland groove 2 phono cable. all other cables guerilla(silver) sold on audiogon. listen to mostly clasic rock, all informed info or advise would be much appreciated without the hype.
I've heard a number of Krell stereo and mono block amplifiers over the years. I'm not a big fan.
well obviosly i am a fan. i had kav500 then i moved up to a pair kav2250's and one kav3250. i sold one of my kav2250's and moved into the 600's when i bought my 800d's. very powerful. they supply all you need and more. i love that up front in your face loud rock and roll. some tastes differ but i am quite happy. to each their own. i have never heard the 450's before but compaired to the 2250's there is just more and lots of it. i am in southern nj voorhees ever in town let me know you can hear for yourself.
Koegz - with this system and your primary listening material, I would outfit the entire system with Purist Audio Design Aqueous Anniversary and be very, very happy. Keep the Music Groove on your table however- that's an excellent choice. If you really wanted to spend a BIG bunch of money, you could go with PAD Anniversary cables, but the Aqueous will make that system sound incredibly good.
I've gone from Showcase to KAVs to FPB 350 to FPB 450 monoblocks, and I've definitely heard improvements each time I moved up. Thanks for the offer, Keogz - will drop you a line next time I'm up there.