Atma-Sphere with which speaker cables?

Hello Everyone,
I am driving a pair of Dali Megaline speakers with a pair of MA-2's and a Krell. The MA-2's are presently driving the ribbons and the Krell drives the woofers. I am awaiting a pair of MA-1's which will replace the MA-2's on top and the MA-2's will be moved to the woofers.

I have been using a pair of Alpha-Core AG-2 and MI-2 cables which sound good. However, I now need to reconfigure the equipment area and will need to purchase longer speaker cables. I have read that Alpha-Core cables, at least in theory, do not work well with amps that have high output impedance, and one post seemed to be saying that anything over 1 ohm is high. The MA-2 has an output impedance of 1.75 ohms and the MA-1 has an output impedance of 2.3 ohms. The nominal impedance of the speakers is 6 ohms. I have heard, but have been unable to confirm that the impedance of the MI-2 cables is 2.5 ohms and I do not have any information about the AG-2 cables.

I am curious to know if the Alpha-Core cables do mate well electrically with the Atma-Sphere amps, and I would also like to hear which speaker cables other Atma-Sphere owners are using. I would rather not spend a fortune on cables at the moment, but I look forward to hearing suggestions for both reasonably and not so resonably priced speaker cables. Thanks in advance for your time and suggestions.

All the best,
Ag insider logo xs@2xdgclark0007
In conversation with Ralph at Atma-sphere he stated that he is using Mogami Neglex cables. I suggest you call Ralph and get his ideas for your situation.

I use JPS Labs Superconductor with M-60 II.3's and find them stunning through the entire dynamic range. My runs however are only 8 feet.
Hello Entrope,
Thanks for the response. Actually my cables will only need to be 8 feet in length. The Alpha-Core's I am using currently are 4 feet long, and as I mentioned sound good with the Atma-Spheres. However, I do not want to invest in longer Alpha-Cores if they do not match well with the amps electrically. My thinking is that I may have gotten away with a mismatch since they are only 4 feet long, but that increasing the length to 8 feet might make any mismatch apparent sonically. I appreciate hearing about your specific experience and satisfaction with JPS Labs Superconductors.
Hi Dennis,
Boy I wish I had your problems. I'm also using the MA-2's with Soundlab A-1's. I found the Magnan speaker cable to work quite well with this combo. I personaly didn't care for the Alpha Core in my system. Good luck.
I switched to Omega Mikro Planar V active cables from the Alpha-Core AG-3 cables with my MA-2s and Eidolons. Huge improvement with the Omega Mikro, highly recommended.