Atma-Sphere with which speaker cables?

Hello Everyone,
I am driving a pair of Dali Megaline speakers with a pair of MA-2's and a Krell. The MA-2's are presently driving the ribbons and the Krell drives the woofers. I am awaiting a pair of MA-1's which will replace the MA-2's on top and the MA-2's will be moved to the woofers.

I have been using a pair of Alpha-Core AG-2 and MI-2 cables which sound good. However, I now need to reconfigure the equipment area and will need to purchase longer speaker cables. I have read that Alpha-Core cables, at least in theory, do not work well with amps that have high output impedance, and one post seemed to be saying that anything over 1 ohm is high. The MA-2 has an output impedance of 1.75 ohms and the MA-1 has an output impedance of 2.3 ohms. The nominal impedance of the speakers is 6 ohms. I have heard, but have been unable to confirm that the impedance of the MI-2 cables is 2.5 ohms and I do not have any information about the AG-2 cables.

I am curious to know if the Alpha-Core cables do mate well electrically with the Atma-Sphere amps, and I would also like to hear which speaker cables other Atma-Sphere owners are using. I would rather not spend a fortune on cables at the moment, but I look forward to hearing suggestions for both reasonably and not so resonably priced speaker cables. Thanks in advance for your time and suggestions.

All the best,
Hi Dennis,
Boy I wish I had your problems. I'm also using the MA-2's with Soundlab A-1's. I found the Magnan speaker cable to work quite well with this combo. I personaly didn't care for the Alpha Core in my system. Good luck.
I switched to Omega Mikro Planar V active cables from the Alpha-Core AG-3 cables with my MA-2s and Eidolons. Huge improvement with the Omega Mikro, highly recommended.
I'm using Shunyata Andromeda Helix between MA-1 mkIIIs and Audio Physics speakers.
Mogami Neglex interconnects between MP-1 and MP-2 sound as good as PAD Dominus (amazing, but true), whereas the Speaker cable tests between MA-2s and Kharmas 3.2s revealed only one clear winner: PAD Dominus.
Though I've never tried the combination, I would think the Alpha Gore Goertz would compliment the Atmas well.

In my experience, cabling is one area that can definitely accentuating their positives of the Atma Sphere amplifiers, while mitigate the deficiencies. I have found cabling, in fact, to be more critical with Atmas than most amplifiers. Briefly, I think the Atmas are great in terms of bass extension, but can tend towards leanness in the mid/upper bass region, which can give things a sound colder and more clinical sounding than I prefer. The amps are very open, detailed, and fast sounding. But, on the other side, can sound tipped up or harsh.

After trying different things out, I find a cable which takes all of this into account gives me the most satisfaction. I've searched for cables on the warm and romantic side. JPS (great mid/upper bass and easier to take in the presence region) and Coincident (nice, warm sound) suit the bill well to my ear. But, again, I think the Alpha Core would be worth your consideration.