Beginner/ Starter cables

I am looking for feedback on cables/ interconnects for beginners in hi-end audio. I am not talking Monster, but possibly Transparent Audio Wave cable. Any feedback/ suggestions of other brands would be aprpeciated.
I suggest you stick with clean, tight connections, as short runs as possible, and with the likes of kimber, signal cable, blue jeans, etc. Once the rest of your system, including the all important (and often overlooked) room acoustics, are up to your satisfaction you can spend to your heart's content on expensive R,L, and good old C.

Make sure you practice due diligence w.r.t. your room acoustics, otherwise you may neglect the true potential of your hardware.

This was something I have put off for too long, and now I hear how misguided I was to assume the room was ok, while changing hardware more frequently than a roomful of environmental advocates utter the phrase "global warming".
