Home made cable lifters.

I was wondering if any of the a`gon members have come up with an inexpensive and effective way to get these things off the deck.
I use tube shaped styrofoam pipe insulation found at home depot for a couple of dollars and cut off what I need. Cheap and effective. You can wrap your cables in them and/or cut off enough to make a base to lift the cables off the floor as much as you want. Great for Power cords and speaker cables.
Better to use paper cups than styrofoam. The paper is totally non-conducting (depending on whatever coating may be on it) whereas the styrofoam is a plastic so your reintroducing yet another dialectric in contact with your cables.
For what its worth, paper and styrofoam are both dielectrics.

The definition of dielectric is a non-conducting material. Styrofoam doesn't conduct electricity any more than paper but the dielectric constant is different. However, relatively speaking they are very close.

Since in either case (styrofoam or paper cups) the overwhelming majority of material between the cable and the floor will be air, there is no way you could hear the difference.

Once again a case of audiophile nervosa taken to the extreme.