Power Cord Suggestion for Audio Aero Capitole

I'm using a CVH design PC on my CD player and fancy a move up the ladder. Does anyone have any recommendations up to around $300 used?


I have found that smaller PC conductors sound better. I just replaced my Hydra with a Pure Note Paragon PC ($300 on sale). The cord is thin in size but the bass foundation is excellent and there is no haze in the mid/high region.
I second the JPS Digital AC, I have one on my Capitole 11 CD player and also on my Marantz SACD player with very good results.
Rooze - I've recommended the JPS power cord to many, many customers, but in this case I don't think you would like the results with the Capitole. Try to come up with a used ESP Essence power cord for this setup - my customers with the Capitole and Prestige have raved about this combination more than any other pc that I know of.
The Capitole is wired with "Nirvana".
Try a "Nirvana PC-plus" power cord.They are very reasonably priced.
I think it is a good match with my MKII .
A million other cables to try.Could find some better ? Have fun.