
I ordered a pair of Jade Audio cables (Vermeil version, not the Golden one) from Audiogon member Jadem6, who offers a one month return guarantee.

I was wondering wether other Audiogon members already tried and/or bought these new DIY cables.

I read the review made by JD himself, but ofcourse I'm curious to hear the comment of buyers/users.

The cables I used were Purist Aqueous Anniversary and Venustas, Jena Labs Symphony and the top Sonoran cables. I've used numerous other cables but these were well above anything near their price. That is until I got the Jade cables.
I plan to go into more detail once I can better articulate the characteristics of this cable in my system. Needless to say, JD is quite accurate in his description of his cable.
Nutella, could you let us know where in your system you run the gold and where you run the vermeil? thanks
OK, here it goes.
Basis 2500 with Vector arm, Dynavector XX-2 and Tom Evans Groove.
EAD T-8000 transport to a Museatex Bidat or Bitstream (modified) dac.
Preamp is Lamm L1.
Amp is Wyetech Topaz 572B SET 23wpc purple monster.
Speakers are Coincident Total Victory II's.
I have the Vermeil, the gold and the gold with bybees.
The vermeil just arrived. I will be spending some time evaluating where the cables fit best. Currently the vermeil is on my phono. the gold on my dac and the gold with bybees on the pre to amp. I plan do do some listening over the next week to determine which cable I prefer in which position. Like I said I am working on writing down my thoughts on these products and will hopefully have something in the next week or so.
My recommended starting point would be the Vermeil from the source and the gold downstream. Both cables seem to have the same clarity, which tells me they neither one is altering the signal more than the other. The vermeil is a heavily gold plated silver wire. Because it is silver, it does carry with it some sonic signature of silver. I'm not referring to speed or dynamics, they both do that equally, I'm talking about the glaze or haze found with silver. The gold plating has reduced this to an acceptable level, but it's still silver.

The solid gold is the most neutral and natural sounding wire I found. So my advice would be use the Vermeil upstream and the solid gold downstream. It will be interesting to hear if Nutalla confirms this assumption.

Jade Audio