
I ordered a pair of Jade Audio cables (Vermeil version, not the Golden one) from Audiogon member Jadem6, who offers a one month return guarantee.

I was wondering wether other Audiogon members already tried and/or bought these new DIY cables.

I read the review made by JD himself, but ofcourse I'm curious to hear the comment of buyers/users.

Tbg - I too am very surprised at such products like the Jade cables bringing on the full-suite of attributes that has been difficult to find in a cable. But JD very clearly identified the sonic strengths of a few cable lines that he lived with over the last few years. And he worked to achieve each of these in his product. This is the man who comes to your home, moves your chair 5 feet closer to the speakers and then escapes into the music. He just loves to hug the music...that "get right up there" connection. And his attention to hearing the detail in a musical performance translates back to his product. I must say that he is equally attentive to his Teddy Bears.

I have several friend urging me to forget the Stealth and to get one or the other of these.
This would be a huge mistake if only because you would forever wonder how the Stealth cables might perform in your system. I seek advice and ideas from many audio friends, but I would never dismiss the opportunity to hear a product just because they might praise another.

I have not heard the Prana nor the Purist Anniv. But only a few months ago, my system was fully loaded with Dominus except the speaker cables (Purist Opis) and one Purist Aqueous Anniv XLR IC. I have no idea how the Prana performs. But I do know that the Stealth M5000 handily surpassed the Dominus Ferox PC in every link in my system but the Aesthetix Io. These two PCs are very much alike except the M5000 fills in the top-end a little more and surprisingly, brings on even a more textured midrange without ever having that syrupy midrange of the older Dominus models. The low-end extension and dynamic contrasts with both of these is truly outstanding. The Dream-vs-M5000 differences surpass even the M5000-vs-Dominus differences in that you lose none of the dynamics and spatial strengths, but you get a wealth of detail on the top and a most impressive black background.....the latter I have not heard since I had the Kubala-Sosna Emotion PCs here. So the Dream PC is on another planet altogether over the Dominus. I understand that the Purist Auctorita PC was a step above the Dominus and so this may be more inline to the performance of the M5000. If the Purist Anniv. is as significant of an improvement to the Dominus, then this too is a PC to reckon with and I do indeed want to hear it vs. the Dream.
Jafox, thanks for the comments. Enjoy listening to what would be my 4.5 m. ics. May they be the equal to my 1 m. ic.
Update... I compared Jade's Vermeil Gold with XLO Limited Edition between my preamp and poweramp. Result: Vermeil is the better in my system: more musical, smoother but without loosing detail and transparancy. XLO LE is 'harder' but with a tad more detail.

Did anyone tried the new Jade 'hybrid' ?

Mattheus - I spent many hours last night with the Jade Hybrid and this cable is absolutely stunning. With the Hybrid, a Jade Vermeil, a Jade Gold and also a Stealth Indra here, I tried these in the following links: Manley Ref DAC --> Aesthetix Callisto Sig --> Rives PARC --> CAT JL-3 amps. The Jade hybrid has silky silky smooth mids and an incredible rendering of tonal colors and textures. The Vermeil has only a slightly greater extension in the bass but this is a moot issue once you hear the magic that the Hybrid brings. In my system here anyway, the Vermeil is a little rough around the edges once you get accustomed to the Hybrid and the Gold. There clearly are sonic benefits to paying so much more for these latter cables, but for the price, the Vermeil simply has no peers.

Compared to the Hybrid, the Gold is a little more lush and rich in the mids but lacks the refinement on the top. And the Hybrid renders piano articulation far greater than the Gold. Overall, the Hybrid is more tonally coherent.

The only challenge to the listening test was to nail down the differences between the hybrid and the Indra. These two cables here were so darn close. Once I get another 1-2 Hybrids here, I will be in a better position to finalize on the pros/cons of the Hybrid vs. the Indra.


Thanks for the nice little review. I also had the chance to compare the Vermeil with the Gold and I preferred the former, because like you said the Gold lacked refinement at the top (not 'fresh' enough to my ears).

It makes we want to evaluate the Hybrid, but only if this Hybrid has the same kind of transparancy and 'freshness' as the Vermeil.
