Audiobuzz, it is hard for me to see if you have some hidden agenda here. Do you have any affiliation with Gabriel cables? You seem to take my comments pretty seriously. I have no affiliation with any manufacturer, and I really do like the Gabriel cable line. So I do not understand your appearant venom towards me.
If not, don't take my critique too hard. The Gabriel's are some VERY good sounding cables. I had no chance to audition the Revelation interconnects, only the Extremes (thanks Art). I also own a 1 meter pair of the GG Revelation speaker cables. Yes, Steve mentioned that he had no way of knowing how they would sound, as they are shorter than any pair he had made previously. My PAD Dominus pair of speaker cables are 3 feet long, and the pair I ordered from Jade Audio is 4 foot long (no complaints from JD). Some cable manufacturers claim that length is an issue, some do not. Since I run monoblock amps, and run a 2 meter length of interconnect to the amps, I do not see the need to spend extra money on cable I do not need. My speakers are about 2 feet from my amps. So what is your point? Should I buy 8 feet lengths and coil them behind my speakers? I find it hard to believe that this is the answer to better sound. Which manufacturer is right? Who knows? Do they simply recommend longer lengths for greater profits? Or is there really a fact driven reason? I would be happy to listen to an 8 foot pair of the Revelation if Steve would lend me a pair, to see if there is a difference. Also, if you are willing to lend me a pair of the Revelation interconnects, I'm all ears. 8-)
FWIW, I do think the 3 ft pair of PAD Dominus sounds great. It is a tad rolled off in the frequency extremes, something that I have heard about this cable in general. The GG Revelation did cure this problem, but it had other issues that led me to prefer the PAD Dominus.
Also, fwiw, both Steve and JD are great guys to deal with. I also do concur with Audiobuzz's comments about us having some great options from 2 giant killers. If you hear any of these cables, you will be surprised at how much you can save. I've owned many higher priced cables from Nordost, Jena Labs, Audioquest, PAD, etc, and both the Gabriel Gold and Jade Audio cables beat all that I've heard fairly easily. I'm also a fan of the Stealth Dream power cords like Tbg and Jafox.
If not, don't take my critique too hard. The Gabriel's are some VERY good sounding cables. I had no chance to audition the Revelation interconnects, only the Extremes (thanks Art). I also own a 1 meter pair of the GG Revelation speaker cables. Yes, Steve mentioned that he had no way of knowing how they would sound, as they are shorter than any pair he had made previously. My PAD Dominus pair of speaker cables are 3 feet long, and the pair I ordered from Jade Audio is 4 foot long (no complaints from JD). Some cable manufacturers claim that length is an issue, some do not. Since I run monoblock amps, and run a 2 meter length of interconnect to the amps, I do not see the need to spend extra money on cable I do not need. My speakers are about 2 feet from my amps. So what is your point? Should I buy 8 feet lengths and coil them behind my speakers? I find it hard to believe that this is the answer to better sound. Which manufacturer is right? Who knows? Do they simply recommend longer lengths for greater profits? Or is there really a fact driven reason? I would be happy to listen to an 8 foot pair of the Revelation if Steve would lend me a pair, to see if there is a difference. Also, if you are willing to lend me a pair of the Revelation interconnects, I'm all ears. 8-)
FWIW, I do think the 3 ft pair of PAD Dominus sounds great. It is a tad rolled off in the frequency extremes, something that I have heard about this cable in general. The GG Revelation did cure this problem, but it had other issues that led me to prefer the PAD Dominus.
Also, fwiw, both Steve and JD are great guys to deal with. I also do concur with Audiobuzz's comments about us having some great options from 2 giant killers. If you hear any of these cables, you will be surprised at how much you can save. I've owned many higher priced cables from Nordost, Jena Labs, Audioquest, PAD, etc, and both the Gabriel Gold and Jade Audio cables beat all that I've heard fairly easily. I'm also a fan of the Stealth Dream power cords like Tbg and Jafox.