Weirdest Question asked when selling gear?

selling high end gear to often anal audiophiles often gets interesting. Wondering what are some of the strangest inquires youve received.
Wait, where's my list....

Actually, the weirdest was probably from a guy that wanted to know
the religion of the owner of the hifi company in question before he bought the product.
Did he buy it? What do you think?
Hey Tim. The person who asked your blood type could be Asian. In Japan that's what they ask, as opposed to the "what's your astro sign" out here. I'm of Japanese decent, but have red, white and blue running through my veins, and when I heard about blood type profiling from some people from Japan I couldn't believe it.

Actually, I've been really lucky. I've never dealt with any oddballs, only cool fellow A'GoNers.
Also: a guy who lived about an hour away by car, asked if I could bring to him a digital cable I was selling for $50, so he could demo it and decide if he wants to buy it.
I remember once I've asked a weird question to the ebay seller:

Why do you end every your sentence with exclamation instead of period?

ahd the seller answers:

...Because I f$#ing fell like it!