
I ordered a pair of Jade Audio cables (Vermeil version, not the Golden one) from Audiogon member Jadem6, who offers a one month return guarantee.

I was wondering wether other Audiogon members already tried and/or bought these new DIY cables.

I read the review made by JD himself, but ofcourse I'm curious to hear the comment of buyers/users.

Thanks John, things that make me go hmmmm. I also demo'd the 8 ft burn in pair of Vermeil and was very impressed. I await your further testing after the 4 ft pair is burned in. I'd really hate to go to an 8 foot pair, not just because of cost, but my amps are right next to my speakers, and I'd have to coil the wires (alledgedly a no-no) just to take up all the extra slack. I suppose I could run my right monoblock to my left speaker, and switch i/c leads, though this seems a bit odd too.

Jmcgrogan2, I am using two different stereo amps now but when I had mono blocks and 8' speaker wires, I put a camera tripod behind each speaker and a Rightway Audio Suspender on top of each. I ran the speaker wires up to the top and down to the speaker inputs. You did not really notice this from the listening position.

I am anxious to get the latest version of the speaker wires, hopefully on my return from Europe in late July.

Jafox, I agree with you that interconnects and power cords vary more substantially in their impact on ones sound. I continue to use Cerious Technologies speakerwires but did try the 8' prototypes from Jade. They were noticably different and I preferred the Jades, but when I had to send the Jades on to Jmcgrogan, I found the CTs perfectly acceptable. In many cases with interconnects and ac cords, I can bearly tolerate some respected cables for long enough to get them broken in. My preferences are pretty cleanly drawn as with the Stealth Dreams, which are the only power cords I use. The Jade Hybrids are excellent but can be used in only one place in my system. They do not work in vinyl and are too expensive for my 4 m. run to my amps.
Good points, John. I have the same situation now where a 4-feet pair would work well. But I am likely to go with a longer pair that would be more universal. Ideally, for summer months, I need to find a cooler but similarly performing stereo amp to the CATs. If I decide to switch over to a stereo amp or want to get the CATs further away from the SLs, I will be happy I bought the longer cables. The SLs throw a lot of energy from behind and all that blowing into the amp tubes is not a good thing.

I'd hate to skimp on cost and get the smaller pair now only to find out in a year or so that I need an 8-feet pair later. And once Jade Audio is sold to a wealthy fellow overseas where the cables are now 3x the price, JD will likely be on a beach in Tahiti. This would be the end of my "upgrade" opportunity. So it's safer to go longer and use some of the posted tricks to dress the cable so that it is not coiled up next to the amp or speaker.

Since spkr cables are not that huge of an influence here, this will very likely be my last pair. I am hoping to say this with my PCs too, but I am not yet done with ICs.

I can bearly tolerate some respected cables for long enough to get them broken in.
I can certainly relate to that comment! I use the home theater setup upstairs for some such opportunities.

They were noticeably different and I preferred the Jades, but when I had to send the Jades on to Jmcgrogan, I found the CTs perfectly acceptable.
Exactly the same feeling when I returned to the PAD Opis.

I hope to hear the Hybrids from the Io to Callisto one of these days. I need an XLR which adds to the cost. Indra XLR cables are tough to find as well. It will take me awhile to find an XLR cable here that locks in. And I want to drop in a Jade Gold here again too as that was soooooo nice in this link. But my system has changed dramatically since then so who knows. The Stealth Hyperphono remains the reference tonearm cable here. The other two IC links will likely be Hybrids for a long long time.

Hi John,

Any update yet on the 4 ft. vs. the 8 ft. run of Vermeil speaker cable? Would you say the 4 ft. run is burnt in yet?
One thing I noticed about the Vermeil interconnects was that their sonic character changed more for the better with burn in than any other interconnects I've ever heard (including the Solid Gold and the Hybrid). I've long been a proponant of cable burn in, but I've never heard it change the sound as much as it did with the Vermeil interconnects.

I've never had the opportunity to listen to a short run vs. a longer run of the exact same speaker cable. I do know some cable manufacturers won't sell lengths shorter than 6 ft. However, many manufacturers are only too happy to sell shorter lengths. Who's right?
JD, feel free to chime in here if you wish.

Hi John M.

I think John F. is still on vacation so we have not been able to test the four footer. I just hope it is not over cooked by now. I hope to hear from him in the coming days so we can get an answer.

BTW, I am offering to sell John's address for a reasonable fee. He has a lot of very nice stuff to borrow))) Oh and I doubt he will notice the 40 tubes I took last night.