question on pwr cords

Does the length of a power cord impact sound quality greatly? Obviously analogue interconnect, especialy when single ended and speaker cable do....the reason is due to my lack of outlets and positioning of equipment considering ordering a custom length power cord for a pwr amp.

In addition if I want a less obstrusive, less thick pwr cord, what would u recommend? Cost is less of an issue. Crystal ultra?
Rather than start my own thread on what I need, I think this is an appropriate place: I have Harmonix Studio Masters on both my SET pre and cdp. My SET amp is right in front of the outlet. I need only .5m at the most. Any suggestions? Flexibility is important at such close proximity. I suppose I could move up to a 1m if the power cord is very flexible. I can't spend the $$ on this power cord like the Harmonix. At least, not with this wife. I know, I know, but I love her. thanks guys. warren :)
For something that short, the only really important thing is good stranded 10 AWG copper (twisted) and decent plugs (AC and IEC) If I were you, I'd make one myself with parts available from one of the many PC mnufacturers here on Agon that provide DIY parts.
For something that short. You mean if it is one foot longer, that will require spending oodles of dough? I don't understand. Anyway, I'm not into building any cord. Recommendations of an inexpensive 10 gauge, flexible copper twisted?
Warren, the fellow I have in mind is Chris venHaus. His website is:

He also makes cords to order quite reasonably if you're not into DIY. My point about "that short" is that you're really asking for a plug "pigtail", not a power cord. And that's fine. Something "that short" isn't really going to need or benefit from shielding, vibration resistance, fancy alloy or silver conductors, etc. All it requires is big enough conductors to transfer the power required by the amp, and decent plugs for a good connection. If you write Chris and expain what you want to do, I'm sure he could create something appropriate for very little money.
Thanks Neil, I ordered a two footer from him. Flavor 2 on Chris's recommendation with Gold Furutechs on both ends. Can't beat the price. In my rig the distance that is most important is the distance from the Audio Magic to the source and pre. Therefore, Harmonix Studio Master. Power cord form dedicated outlet to power conditioner (in my rig) does not require a mega $$ power cord. This has been knocked around, on the 'gon, a couple of threads or two, or three...