Purist, Legenburg or K-S?

My new W/P 8's make my Cardas GR sound somewhat reticent.
I would like something a bit more engaging.
I lean toward uniform cabling througout the system.
I have had favorable but limited experiences with each of these contenders and would appreciate any other considered opinions.
I will pony up the necessary spark, BUT:
I am unwilling to become a dealer to support my habit.

Like, Nsgarch, I'd suggest auditioning as the answer. There is simply no way to say "best" at this level. Anyone who tells you there is a "best" is simply ignorant.
This is the point at which an honest audio retailer could be extremely useful.
Khrys, my experience has been somewhat parallel to Jfrech. You have a lovely system, yet to me, your cabling is the one thing "wrong with this picture."

I think you should just spend a little money with the Cable Company and borrow a set of Venustas (IC and spkr) and then ditto a set of Harmonic Tech, Virtual Dynamic, and Ridge Street -- any one of which will open up your system so you can really hear what you been missing with the Cardas stuff.

Besides offering you as many cables as you wish to audition,
ALL THE CABLES THEY'LL LEND YOU ARE USED!! That is so important IMO for evaluating cables, as I said.

And when you've decided, you dont have to buy all your replacements from them (their used prices a just a little higher than the open market) you can just buy one pair of Ics, or a PC to use up your credit, and get the rest on Agon as it becomes available (once you've decided what you want, it's a lot easier to wait for a good deal ;--)
Thanks again for your recommedations. You've validated my growing belief that I could seriously improve the system by changing out the Cardas GR and that it is certainly worth the effort to audition other contenders, though I find changing out cables to be tedious. NO pain no gain so they say!
Looks like I'll be spending quite some time with the Cable Company. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Just be aware that the Cable Company charges for the rentals and retains that amount towards future purchases.
The amount of rentals and that retained amount can grow to a sizable sum.
As long as you know you will purchase something from them at close to retail , I guess thats ok.
But, if you see a good deal on a used cable or prefer a brand that they dont carry ,(Kubala ,Ridgestreet, etc.) you cant get your retainage back.

Just letting you be aware of this.
Thanks Ozzy. For many reasons optimizing cables seems to be the most problematic. Fortunately there are sufficiently confident owners/dealers of fine wire in LA willing to lend their wares for competitive evaluation in my system gratis. I will probably use Cable Company as well but if I rack up enough unused credits with them I'll just cash them in for snake oil which has rarely failed to improve whatever I thought I wasn't hearing.