Anyone settled in on Purist Aqueous interconnects?

I am interested in these interconnects. Has anyone out there used them and actually given them time to break-in? I know the break-in time is significant (200 hours) and was hoping someone might have some perspective on them after this break-in time. I actually have the new Aqueous Anniversary bi-wired speaker cable and love them. So, I was thinking synergy with the aqueous interconnects??!!
I've been using them for about a year, both the IC's and the speaker cables. The IC's have exactly the same sonic qualities as the speaker cables. I'd tried many different IC's (Cerious, Analysis Plus, Audience, Nirvana, Harmonic Tech Cyberlights, etc.), and I find the Aqueous Anniversary to be the most balanced top to bottom.
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I'd be curious about these too. I tried the speaker cable recently(thanks for your contrib Boa2 on that thread I opened) and thinking of borrowing a whole set again after new years to try as a system. Really liked the sp cables though...they are very dynamic with excellent drive and slam. In this department they sure beat my AU24 speaker cables. And they worked great with my AZ interconnects, but I am curious if there will be more synergy with PAD Anniv Aqueous ICs as well. Jppenn, if you happen to try these, please let me know what you think. thanks