Tboooe, by next weekend I will have an opportunity to audition through the Cable Company (CC) a pair of XLR Acoustic Reference interconnnects (cdp to pre) against the CC borrowed Votex (cdp to pre) Acellerator (pre to amp) combination. I'll also try the Acoustic Ref (cdp to pre) and Acellerator (pre to amp) in combination as well.
To answer your question:
I upgraded my speakers, and the cdp suddenly was much too bright, granular, fatiguing, and sometimes harsh... "Treble Trouble."
I have Kubala and Sosna Fascination cables all the way around: SCs, ICs, & PCs, and previous to the speaker upgrade I was very satisfied.
But with the speaker upgrade, the link from cdp to pre (the pre is tube) was not desireable.
I tried the Kubala Expression to see if it addressed the issue: a little bit...
Leica_man here on Audiogon and the CC guy (Joe) recommended working my way up the SR interconnects, particularly the Tesla series... and it has been quite the revelation... greater and greater degrees of improvement in all respects... addressing the glare problem and so much more musciality that it's frankly astonishing!
I'm freakin' because "rumor has it" the the new SR PCs are going to be killers at all price levels!
Well... if my budget is going to get "killed," it might as well be with a smile on my face!