Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
>> If some are claiming the active shielding works best when on a week straight then I would rather lose a slight bit of performance<<

I'm not too sure how "slight" the performance loss is but if makes you feel better then that's cool. Personally I leave mine on 24/7 however I think I'll turn them off for a night and give Ted's 12 hour "re-boot" a try. Has anyone else tried an extended power down on their active shielding?
Leica man, If I where to leave my active shielding on a week to get best results then I realize to stay consistant, I need to leave my solid state stuff on for about a week before its at 100%.

I have read and some say that solid state (more so then tube) needs to be on a week before its sounding its best. Some audio letter just two weeks ago sent via the mail said that same thing. Perhaps some of you got the same newsletter. Never seen it before but it was a good read.

Therefore, why just go part way leaving on my active shielding when I don't leave my solid state on all the time and is robbed performance with just a two or so hour warm up.

As long as my processor and amp stay off, so do the cables! Good times...
You turn your processor off? Wow! I leave my entire system on 24/7-especially the Digital and pre-amp. About the only equipment I would ever turn off are tubes and amps that operate in Class A. This makes such a HUGE difference that I can't imagine ever doing otherwise. I guess since your system goes dark, both literally and figuratively, you may as well turn the active shielding off too. I mean what's the difference right? OTOH why don't you try leaving your entire system on for one week and report back? I'll bet you won't be the only one surprised by the results : )
Freemand, I leave my active shields on all the time. My system collapses when I turn the active shield off and it takes too many hours for that big soundstage and black background to return. I don’t have time to wait, since I have a busy schedule most of the time. Freemand, If you have time, can you experiment with leaving the shield system on for a week vs. turning the shield on and off? I know I hear a difference in my system.

Ted, can you just switch the Enigma into solid state mode instead of turning off the active shield when the system is not being used? Or is the tube still engaged while in all solid state mode on the Enigma?
Ok someone has to state this.

Wow, lets see...75,000 hours (at 24/7 usage) means that within a little more than 8 years (or perhaps sooner), the Active Shielding will not work. Evidently the LED is the active shielding.

8 years can be an eternity in changes within the High end Audio Industry.

How much does it cost to have the LED's replaced ?
Will the technology at Synergistic be the same in 8 years to update the repair of the LED?
Will you be able to sell them used after 5 years since buyers will know they will fail in a couple of years?
Will Synergistic even be around in 8 years?

With the cost of the cables for a whole system using Apex, Hologram A and D approaching $10,000+ one needs to really evaluate the value in these cables.

Its too bad the cables dont have a user replacement LED, so you could just have on hand extra LED's.